The Revolution

Sorry for being thick, but what exactly is the Revolution that Luke and Sun are in a revolution about? I know the White Lotus are against foreigners, and that Luke and Sun's Revolution is separate. But what exactly is it for? And how do Fei Hung and Foon get mixed up in it. They're treating people in the embassy, then all of a sudden they're after this hitherto unmentioned namebook on behalf of the Revolution! Why? And how did they come to be involved? Please help! I'm feeling stupid!


"The Revolution" refers to the Chinese Revolution of 1911:

Sun is Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, the father of modern China:

A close analogy: the American Revolution and George Washington.


Oh! It's THE Revolution. I thought it was A revolution.
Gotcha. Thanks
I know the basics of it but not the names involved so I didn't recognise Sun Yat Sen.

I just don't get at which point Wong Fei Hung gets involved.


Wong Fei Hung gets unexpected assistance from Dr.Sun at the Canton medical convention while he's discussing Chinese acupuncture and their friendship is cemented by their later cooperative effort saving the lives of the foreigners in the embassy and of course he rescues the children, students of Dr.Sun's friend and co-conspirator Luke.

Fei Hung doesn't want to fight anyone aside from the White Lotus but his friendship and protection of Brother Luke lead him into direct conflict with Donnie Yen's Commander Lan. That's how he gets involved, protecting his new friend.

Hope this helps,

"It is not enough to like a film. You must like it for the right reasons."
- Pierre Rissient


Well, to be fair, it's not THE revolution. THE revolution happened when Mao Zedong and the PRC forced out Chiang Kai-Shek into Taiwan.


not really...
the founder of modern china, or at least the end to imperialistic government was 1911
everyone knows, and it's well remembered. even people in mainland china will not deny and forget. there's already a difference between the early ROC and the later ROC



If you listen as Luke dies by the kiln, he says what sounds like "Communista" but the English sub-title is "revolution" so I think this movie was probably being used as propaganda by the PRC.


too much movies for u
go to sleep boy


That's what I'm saying. There was the 1911 revolution which threw out the Manchus, then the government was stable-esque until the Japanese invaded. After the war the civil war broke out and Mao took over. So, in a way, you could say that it was two sides of a large, 30 year revolution.


i think in december, they are going to have a movie about Dr Sun's revolution. that would be awesome
