That cow just got turned down for parole. 22JAN10

The parole hearing saw through her BS as in the trial. They said that she was so unremorseful and seething with anger that she has to wait 15 years till her next parol hearing (the max time allowed by law!)! The was certainly a death penalty case, she should be facing the needle soon. But she is such a miserable fat angry bitch that prison might be worse for her.



I don't blame the OP. Betty literally tried to get away with double homicide all because the ex left his boot imprint on her butt while tumbling over to the curb.


I saw on a news story earlier about Betty being turned down for parole. I agree with the OP Betty shouldn't be released from prison. Her crimes were never justifiable. Also the thing really bugs me about Betty is that she didn't think about her children. Betty was receving over $16,000 in child support and had a college education that could have helped her earn more money. Dan also bought a house for her. At the time of the murders she had a boyfriend named Brad Wright who was known to admire her and wanted to marry her. Some people claim she treated Brad like crap at times due to the fact that he was six years younger than her and he didn't like when she talked about Dan. The character Jerry in the movie is clearly based on Brad. In the end Betty pretty much threw her life away and she tarnished her kids' lives.



Difference is this: Betty committed murder, Linda and Dan didn't. They did not deserve to be murdered.

One proof that Betty is a liar: when she called to harass, leaving vulgar messages for Dan and Linda. Her young son pleaded with her to STOP but she didn't give a rat's tutu about the little boy, opting to continue leaving rageful abusive messages. If she really cared about the (psychological) welfare of the children living in that house, she would have slimed off and lick her wound somewhere else. Subjecting any child to that, even if the message(s) are not for the kid, is abusive and traumatizing.

What makes Betty truly evil is she refuses to take responsibility for what she did and is not even least bit remorseful, even after 20 years. She deserves to die in prison.


What Betty did was wrong and I do not believe she should get parole. She clearly needs psychological help and I do not know whether she's received it. If she has shown no remorse for what she did and she's still angry, then clearly, she has issues that need to be resolved.

However, to be fair, she wouldn't have been pushed to the brink if Dan hadn't done what he did. He had no business carrying on with an office bimbo who cagily and craftily wormed her way into his life. Linda Kolkena was fired previously from her airline attendant's job with Delta for "behavior unbecoming a Delta employee." She was indeed the bimbo who had no business going after a married man. Marriage is sacred. Dan broke the vows with Kolkena and drove Betty to do what she did. There's no justification for that but it does make one understand what can happen when one is pushed to the limit. You back a coyote into a corner and sooner or later the coyote is going to pounce and fight a rage!!


It's a shame that Dialectical Behavioral Therapy hadn't been developed in the 1980's because if anyone needed to take the course it was both Dan and Betty Broderick. Betty comes across as having a personality disorder and would benefit from learning the modules but I doubt the California prison system offers it to their inmates.


She was given the 15 years, but she can reapply for release in 3 years...IF she shows signs of progressing.
Whatever progressing means in this case...showing remorse? She didn't appear remorseful years ago and apparently wasn't in 2010 either.
Maybe it wasn't right for Dan to cheat on his wife, but my God if even half of what was in the films is true...Dan suffered plenty! You'd think she was in the poorhouse, suffering in physical pain on a street. I hear she got $200,000 from Dan annually! Plus 2 or 3 cars!
And those poor children. No matter what Dan or Linda did or did not do...Betty had no right to KILL them! And to take away her children's daddy, good God!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



I expect she'll never get out because she'll never be sorry. The $16,000 was only. "until further order of the court,'"which meant Dan could get it changed any time he felt like it. That's the kind of influence he had. Betty worked several jobs to put him through law school. She was pregnant 9 times in 10 years. Dan and Linda drove her the edge by their extreme stupidity.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"
