The real people

this site has articles about the original crime.


Does anyone know what happened to the kids? I know their paternal grandparents got custody of them but what happened after that? For their dad to be so aggressive, unsocialable and controlling it's very likely that was down to how he was brought up which means that there is a serious flaw in the paternal grandparents parenting skills. Those kids had already spent their entire life watching their mum get hurt and being abused and if that wasn't enough they then saw their dad murder their mum. They were then essentially orphans as they lost their dad to prison as well as their mum (though obviously the loss of their dad was no bad thing!). They would have been in a highly vulnerable and needy state and to then become dependents of a couple who are likely to have some seriously questionable parenting skills is a terrifying thought!!!


I would be the little boy who played peter in the movie. After watching my mom get shot by my dad, we ended up at the police station for what seemed to me at the time like an eternity being asked questions over and over again.. It wasn't until we answered all the question in separate rooms that we were told our mother was dead. We then went to a foster home and spent around two weeks in a strange persons house before we were told our grandparents had temporary custody of us. They told us we could not go to my mothers funeral as there would be news reporters there and that would be too tramatic on us. They did however let us see our mother at the mortuary and I don't know if you have ever seen a dead body, but they swell up after death. I couldn't stay long because my mother looked like she was in termendous pain. I also asked for my mothers car. They told me that I couldn't have it, it would be too hard to me to take. I wanted it because my mother loved that car and to me that would have been something I would have cherished forever. I guess being that I was only 12 at the time, I didn't have a say in nothing that I wanted.

Now my grandfather (dad's dad) had alcholism and I believe was the reason my dad was so messsed up in the head. instead of the physical abuse my grandfather was more mentally abusive. Night after night being told you are worthless and will never amount to anything will eventually take its toll on a person. I felt so alone and isolated from the world so at age 17 I had had enough of family all together and left. That was probably the best decision I had ever made. The hardest part was leaving my sister who begged me to stay. I couldn't stay and put up with things any longer so I told my sister goodbye and left. I lost my sister about 14 years ago to a car accident.

I am a stronger person for having to endure all that I have as a child. It sort of forced me grow up and be a better person. If you have anymore questions I would be more than happy to help. If you would like to do some reseach about the real people the names were changed in the movie because my dad wouldn't sell the rights. My dad's name was David Guenther and my mothers name was Pamela Guenther. There is a frontline special also about my parents. it's called "My Husband is Going to Kill me."


I know this was written 7 years ago, but I hope you are still doing okay. ?
