anyone out there?

Has anyone seen this and would like to talk about it?

I found it fascinating.


i've heard nothing but glowing things said about this movie (well, that and that it's "beyond weird") i'd love to discuss it if i could track down a copy to view it first! any ideas where i might find one??

also, a friend recently compared it to "the holy mountain". a fair comparison in your opinion?


I've never seen The Holy Mountain but there is nothing I would compare Wax to. Try, there's a good chance they have it.

This movie is a philosophical puzzle.


i need to see this one again...

I prefer Craig Baldwin films over this one.



Oh thank god someone finally answered my distress signal. Thank you. It's very good to hear from you considering what I've been up to. I stopped over in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre board and all I found was a bunch of immature, self-righteous baffoons preacing about how it is total crap compared to the Hollywood remake. ::sigh:: I wonder if it is a result of the dumbing down of our society or the internet being used as a soapbox for the imcompetent. Maybe it's both.

Communism was just a red herring.


Wax is a fantastic and unfortunatly unknown film. I love it...a film to be studied!!

wouldn't really compaire it to The Holy Mountain...both are equally bizarre, but the style and imagery are pretty different.

Still if you are into one, check out the other...both landmarks in "other" cinema.

Craig Baldwin is a fairer compairison. Both Wax and the most famous of Baldwins work are pseudo-documentaries, warping and bending reality into their own weird concoction.

In my honest opinion, Baldwin's work while very good, (especially Tribulation 99) is sort of pedestrin compared to WAX. Wax honestly leaves pretty much everything in the genre in the dust..

Very few have seen it. I sort of came across it by chance...never read a review or recommendation by a friend, etc. Just sort of found it. Or maybe it found me...its that kind of movie.


Hmm. Craig Baldwin. Thanks. I'll check him out.


Too bad all the weapons manufacturers on earth are not haunted by the souls of the people their weapons have killed. After several viewings, I noticed a lot of funny things. For example, after Jacob "dies" (lol, not quite!), he becomes the symbol of "X", then becomes a poem, then travells from plant to planet, then transforms into the rival beekeeper of his grandfather, then learns that if he destroy his "target", he'll essentially be reborn, the he transforms into a bomb and guides himself with the same flight-battle simulator he worked when he was a programmer, then he blows up Iraqi soldiers, then he fuses himself together with the X symbol and the grandfather's rival and the soldiers, eventually transforming into his final re-incarnated state: twins, and not just any twins. Allele twins, relatives of Ella.......Kill the grandfather's business-and-romantic rival than get reborn as relatives of grandfather's wife (who also happens to be grandfather's half-sister)...a malformed Oedipus Rex formula!I liked the connection between the bomb-site grid becoming a honeycomb becoming a map of the human brain.And even more so, the unspoked parallel between the fatal acquisition of Mesopotamian bees and the fatal acquisition of Mesopotamian oil (Persian Gulf War).



This film enriched my spiritual ideas moreso than almost any other medium in the mid-nineties.
After seeing this, I had a vision in which human kind's 'role' in this dimension was to create a honey-like manna, created by our doing self-sacrificing acts in this life....acts of LOVE if you will. This honey was then collected by another species (insectile/alien/etc) and delivered unto another lifeform/dimension for purposes beyond my then (or now?)munderstanding.
Ramblings of madness I know, but truly the day my 'GOD' died (12/3/94)....although I am far from atheistic.

"I am nothing but mixtures of these very things"


This board needs a LIKE button.

Communism was just a red herring.
