Dolph's Flashbacks

Dolph Lundgren's character is supposed to still think he is fighting in Vietnam. In the last sequence, however, when he is taunting Van Damme during the fight, he says something about when they were "back in 'nam". Does this mean he has now realised that he is no longer in Vietnam and that the war is in the past?



Or by the time he realizes it, he doesn't care. Van Damme says "Sarge, the war is over" and he says "not for me."


I always thought their memories are totally screwed, so they kind of go back and forth (and don't even realize they do). Kind of how an Alzheimer patient can be talking to you then back in their youth, without blinking an eye.

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Does this mean he has now realised that he is no longer in Vietnam and that the war is in the past?

no. that was mistake by screenwriter to use that line. dolph still thinks he is in nam at end battle as he calls veronica "fucking gook traitor" and orders her execution by calling van d "private" (his rank in nam).

the filmmakers need a reason to tell audience how dolph was able to track down van damme to his farm so they put in this line "exacty how you described it back in nam". the line should have been "exactly how you described it". but then audience would not understand. so they put in "in nam" so you know where dolph heard it. but it is movie mistake.
