MovieChat Forums > Unforgiven (1992) Discussion > "Well, he should have armed himself . . ...

"Well, he should have armed himself . . .

. . . if he's going to decorate his saloon with my friend."

There are so many quotable lines in this film, though this remains my favorite. At this point Munny has no need to answer anything to anybody, yet he chooses to answer Little Bill's "Well, sir, you are a cowardly son of a bitch! You just shot an unarmed man!" While Munny has clearly reverted to his killer days, again an "intemperate", he now feels compelled to justify his actions to those he is about to kill. He does not appear conflicted about it at all, yet he had previously gone through a period of redemption because of his wife and now he apparently needs to express a justification for his actions for all to hear.

I love this film. I don't know if it's my favorite Western, as I have many. It probably is my favorite modern Western, or anti-Western if you prefer, certainly among the top. I see comments here that it has not aged well, etc. I think it's just as fresh and relevant as it was upon its release. Near perfect film IMHO. Yeah, just finished watching it again tonight.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Are you trying to start a moral debate where one person tries to outself-rightous the other?


I will ignore the previous idiot who replied.

Yes, I agree with you on all points. One of the most quotable movies of all time...and that includes Casablanca. And the way Munny's mind reverts to his earlier killing days doesn't bother me at all. Muscle memory and lack of fear simply take over.

I also agree with you that this film has not aged. It may yet be considered the best western ever.


I think that whole scene was well done in showing about consequences, as he said the guy chose to decorate his saloon with Ned's body - you can't pick and choose to be in when it suits and out when it doesn't. I think it is partly a side view on Bill's situation. He wants to be the badass, drunk beater, assassin threatener but when it comes down to it wants to be able to say you can't touch me cos I'm building a house here. Ultimately if you involve yourself in this world you take the consequences, armed or not, home building or not.
