Vieillissez vite!

Towards the end of the movie Régine meets Stéphane and says to him "How are you?" and he replies in French "Je vieillis" (I am getting older) and her reply is "Vieillissez vite" (Get old quickly). The meaning of this exchange in French is lost on me. Can anybody clarify what is intended? Does she really want him to age quickly?


She is pissed at him and I think she is simply telling him to "drop dead."


or maybe she's just telling him to get over himself and stop acting like a victim...I wouldn't say she's pissed...she seems friendly especially when she's saying goodbye

I love his line "Je vieillis" because it kinda expresses what he's feeling: numbness...if you can't move on, if you can't live your life, you let life live you...and all you can do is let time pass by and find yourself one day old..isn't it ?

Goddamn, these cellular *beep* phones!! (John McClane)


Since she specifically asked him how he was doing, i doubt that she meant anything nasty with expression. They have never been friends, but as mentioned they were speaking to each other in a friendly manner in this particular meeting.

Maybe "get old quickly" is a French-specific saying similar to "break a leg", something that when taken literally might sounds insulting but as an expression could mean something positive or nice.

There is a possibility that it indeed means something like "die quickly", but given the friendly nature of the meeting and the scene it would be rather an odd thing to slip in there.


You two are pulling my leg, right?


Do you know what context is?

Here was the context of that scene.
She was NOT pissed at him at that moment, but friendly.

For her to slip in something ugly in such a friendly talk simply makes no sense whatsoever, especially considering that Stephane continued talking to her as if they were on very good terms.

So obviously, "get old quickly" was NOT meant in a derogatory way.


How very droll (please excuse the misspelling).


I watched this again last night. It had been several years and my VHS tape has lost some quality (or is it that I am used to DVD quality now and notice it more?).

It seems to me that Regine is quite upset with him, but is being very diplomatic. I thought she meant that getting older is all he is interested in doing, just letting life pass without being engaged in it, so please do it quickly and we will be done with you. I thought that subtext was more clear than my description of it.


couldn't agree with you more :))

Goddamn, these cellular *beep* phones!! (John McClane)


It means "grow up", in the sense of developing and reaching maturity, something that Stephane is obviously lacking of.

"The eyes are the windows to the soul ; cinema is the mirror outside of these windows."


His heart is "in winter" and maybe, getting older, it'll reach the spring :)


Isn't the inference "grow up quickly"?

He says getting old - she replies in a way saying - well get on with it then.


Rather, it seems to be an expression which communicates the sentiment "grow up" or "wise up". I believe that she uses this expression in referring to his retarded (in the literal sense) ability to handle a relationship involving love, as it were.


I wondered it too. I know French very well and there's no ready-made expression that sounds like "vieillissez vite". Watching the scene again, I just thought she's embarrassed, in a hurry and doesn't know much what to reply to Stephane, so she comes with an half-baked phrase that lets transpire some unnerving. She is kind to Stephane at this point of the movie, but with strong reserves and a bit of contempt.


Perhaps it was a mixed message, of both comradery(as she obviously has no partner, aside from her protege), and of reproach.


I'm French, and I just watched this movie again today. I'm almost certain the female character says "VOUS vieillissez vite" , so fast that one cannot really hear the "vous"...This is a way for her to tell him he is exaggerating, he's too young to grow old so to speak.

I hope I was not mistaken, but that's what I heard. Beautiful movie, beautitul Beart, her eyes are quite something magical.


I felt she was saying "grow old quick, please" because it is a hint she is still very much attracted to him, and if he grew old maybe she could stop. Interesting that she is using the "vous" form!
