Deleted Scenes

I've just watched the deleted scenes.

I'm not gonna spoil anything, but basically, it's a must-see.

First of all, it's not 45 minutes of deleted scenes. It's 90.

Highlights include: Jeffries in Buenos Aires, above the convenience store, more red room with Coop, MFAP, and the ring, and much much much much more.

Twin Peaks characters that were not in the theatrical release of the film include Pete, Josie Packard, Hank, Nadine, Dr & Ms Hayward, Harry, Hawk, Andy, Lucy, Dr Jacoby, Major Briggs...

And last but not least : a flash forward to right after the last episode ends.

All in all, an absolute must.

When the box-set comes out, don't walk to buy it, run. Run!

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Where the hell did you see these deleted scenes? Or are you just peddling that box set, whatever that might be? This OP kind of reads like an advertisment.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I thought it was commonknowledge, on this board full of superfans, that the notorious deleted scenes were finally gonna see the light of day as part of the "Twin Peaks : The Entire Mystery" Blu Ray box-set, alongside all the episodes + the movie.
The presence of the deleted scenes was just a rumor at first, a rumor I can now conifrm.

So I took it here to share my excitement with other fans who might get how I feel; I never would have thought that twenty years later I'd get to see unseen Cooper, unseen Red Room, more Phillip Jeffries, and the secondary characters who are not in the theatrical release at all.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


I have a few of questions if you don't mind.

1. Are the scenes presented randomly like most outtakes or are they edited together to form a narrative? One of the rumors from back in the day was that DL was going to take the scenes and form them into a kind of "Final Episode".

2. Are the new Red Room and after series scenes different that what was in the script that has been online for a while now? I ask because again according to rumors from back in the day there was supposed to be an epilogue to the series that was filmed but not in the script.

3. With out giving away any spoilers do the deleted scenes provide any closure or give answers to what happened to Cooper after the series?


I think 'closure' is too much to hope for from a Lynch directed series (but hey, ya never know).

Even if there was an unscripted 'epilogue', I don't think it would have provided closure, as Lynch was planning two follow up films. So any scenes shot would have been setting up for the next 2 planned films.


Whatever the case maybe I am looking forward to watching it



Hmmm...never heard of Hank ever being in the film in either the script or an unscripted scene. Not really sure how they would have incorporated his character anyway...


It would be interesting to know if the deleted scenes are part of a longer cut of the film, or are just shown separately. I have a feeling it's the latter. Will take what they got, but it definitely would be cool if they were part of a 3h 45m cut.

Please nest your IMDB page, and respond to the correct person -


I'm sorry I typed Hank, I meant Big Ed.

The scenes are presented in sequence, but I wouldn't say they'd form a coherent narrative at all to someone who hasn't seen the film.

There is indeed a sortof epilogue taking place after the events presented in the last episode of the show. I won't reveal any of it for your own enjoyment, but no, do not expect any closure. :)

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Do they present longer versions of scenes that were cut down in the final film? And if so, do they (re)include the footage that was in the final film as part of the extended scene?


If there is any 'closure', it would not be from the deleted scenes (after all, two more sequels were planned after Fire Walk With Me), but from the Lynch interviews with the Palmer family that are on the Bl-Ray disc. Perhaps there is a tidbit or two from the interviews that might give some clue as to the final fate of the Twin Peaks characters.


Some scenes are longer cuts, like the Phillip Jeffries scene, but they don't show the whole sequence again. Very few (in fact, almost none) of the 90 minutes of deleted scenes are images that we've seen before.

As for the interview with the Palmers, you'll be disapointed if you expect it to reveal anything plot-wise. It's Lynch having a conversation with the cast (Lee, Wise and Zabriskie) and while it's interesting, even heart-warming if you're a big fan, don't expect no revelation.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


I didn't really expect the interview to make any grand revelation, but I thought if there was one, that is where it would be.

At the end of the day, I'm just thankful Lynch and Frost got to end the 2nd season and make a movie. I am thankful the last image we saw was not Josie's ghost in a drawer knob.

I feel some of the ideas Lynch and Engels were kicking around about BOB being from a creamed corn planet were starting to get too far 'out there', even for die hard fans, so it was probably best to end the story on a relatively high note (artistically speaking).


Thanks for the info! Do you know what they did for the music? Is it all old/existing music?


How long is the Palmer/B&W portion of the interview? I'm honestly as excited for that as the missing footage (which I know sounds ridiculous: 5-15 minutes vs. 90!) because I think the fascination Lynch has for these characters (especially Laura) is so crucial to the magic of Twin Peaks and the evolution of his career. Plus it will be wonderful to see the underrated Sheryl Lee in character again, even if only briefly.

This whole package is like a dream come true. I'm really psyched, and will purchase a blu-ray player just for the occasion. Although I notice the Amazon pre-order price is already climbing, so I hope I can get on that while there's still a decent discount.


The itw sequence with the Palmers is 26 minutes long - and there is antoher interview sequence with other Twin Peaks veterans,including Machen Amick.

I don't think any new music was recorded, however during the deleted scenes of the movie, I heard cues that I'm pretty sure are not in the movie, nor on the FWWM soundtrack album! That alone makes the whole thing a treat!

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


When you say 26 minutes do you mean just the part where they are "in character" or the entire interview with Wise, Lee, and Zabriskie (I'm given to understand that Lynch interviews them both as actors and as characters)? If the latter, how long is the Palmer in-character sequence? If the former, wow that's a lot longer than I expected - now I'm REALLY excited.

And I did hear that they'd expanded the "Slice of Lynch" feature from the Gold Box to include all of the conversation. Which is great - that was one of my favorite elements of that package. I only wish they could have included the director/writer commentaries from the Artisan set too, which I've never gotten to hear before. Someone should put them online!


Lee, Wise and Zabriskie are never in character during the interview. I don't know where this rumor originated.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


It's part of the press release and reports (rather than rumors) have been published and discussed in USA Today, among others.

From the press release:

"a new featurette with Lynch and the actors who portrayed the Palmer family which includes a mesmerizing return to the lives of their characters today"

"In the two-part feature “Between Two Worlds,” Lynch himself interviews the Palmer family (Leland, Sarah and daughter Laura) about their current existence in this life and the next, and follows up with a discussion with the actors who portray them."

"Between Two Worlds (HD) – NEW!
Palmer Family Interview
Actors Discussion"

From USA Today:

"While I'm eager to hear the actors' thoughts on the show, Between Two Worlds also features them speaking in character as Leland, Sarah and Laura Palmer about what has transpired in the 25 years since Laura's murder. Wow."

Whitney Matheson, the author of the article, comments under the USA Today piece:

"Also of note: The 'Between Two Worlds' feature is in both color and black and white. The B&W portion shows them speaking in character, with the color portion showing actors as themselves."

This seems like a major detail to get wrong, especially without any correction/clarification offered (the USA Today piece came out 12 days ago and has been part of the promotional rollout - not to mention the press release descriptions). How were you able to view the package, and are you sure you saw the complete, final release?


It's not a rumour, there's a part you've not seen called 'Between Two Worlds'...

So, how did you get to see all of the extra scenes? Can you give us some more description of certain interesting visuals or memorable scenes? What more do we see of Laura's murder, please?

You must I presume work at a place CBS is using to check the playing of the Blu-rays before release.

Nothing you have written is convincing enough to prove you're not just making claims for the hell of it because of the high interest level. You need to provide proof by telling us something detailed...


Well, he/she does mention Between Two Worlds but says it's just the actors talking as themselves (whereas the press release/packaging info pretty clearly splits in two). So far this is the ONLY counter-claim I've heard that they aren't interviewed "in-character" so I'm hoping it's a mistake. Given the early claim (December) and history of posting, etc it doesn't seem to me like this person is so I'm just really hoping they missed this detail. Again, everyone from the promotional campaign to journalists have claimed that the Palmers DO speak in character, but I'd love to hear confirmation from the actors or someone directly involved just to put me at ease. I realize it's a relatively minor element, but the creativity & originality of the idea, plus the opportunity to see Lynch working with performers again (and Lee getting an opportunity to explore Laura) 'makes me as excited for this probably short sequence as for the Missing Pieces themselves.


Dugoa, site administrator of a fan forum, who has played a role in getting this project together, has confirmed in-character interniews here:


Well like I said in a previous post, I thought I had seen everything, but clearly I haven't since the interview in character is news to me.
So far all I know, there might well be even more that I haven't seen !

However I'm pretty sure I've seen all the deleted scenes from the movie, and I'm sorry, none of them involve Laura's murder. But you do see her very last moments in the Palmer household, just before she joins James and rides away on his bike, in two great scenes, one very touching, one very scary.

Indeed I worked on the box-set, but as I'm not really supposed to spill the beans, I won't give much more details. I care more about keeping my job than about proving my claims are legit to Internet strangers. :) Sorry.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Sounding fab..... Are there any more deleted scenes with Bob?


No BOB...

...except a longer cut of the convenience store scene (in the movie, it's a flashback narrated by Bowie ; here it's a scene of its own)

...and another (scary!) scene I won't describe to not spoil it, which features BOB's voice, but he is not onscreen.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Lee, Wise and Zabriskie are never in character during the interview. I don't know where this rumor originated.

Ray Wise is lol


Yeah, so excited this has been verified! They're all gonna be there.


Wow !
I worked on this set, and assumed I'd seen the whole set. I don't know why or how this slipped by me. Maybe there are more thing I haven't seen then !
Or maybe this interiew of the cast as characters is a youtube-only promotional clip ? Because what I've seen billed as "Between Two Worlds" on the forthcoming bluray set is an interview with the actors as themselves.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Thanks. I think they must have used cues from the series?


I remember reading in a UK magazine back in 1992 (before the film was out) indicating there would be a scene with Bobby (Dana Ashbrook) and Shelly (Madchen Amick). They also did a photo shoot of the two actors together. There are no scenes between them in the script so does anyone know if this was ever actually filmed and/or will it be included on the blu ray?


Is there a new opening and closing with credits included before the deleted scenes start to make it look like a movie of its own?


There is a closing credit.
If there's also an opening one, then I haven't seen it.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Mat-37, did you happen to check the deleted scenes from the series as well?
Any chance we'll get to see Ben killing Maddy?


There are very little deleted scenes from the show, almost nothing in fact.
And no, no Ben killing Maddy. I know they shot this only so the actors themselves wouldn't know who the killer is, so I gather the footage was never even edited.

And there are no scene between Shelly and Bobby, which is weird now that I think about it. (there is however a scene with Bobby's parents, who are absent from the theatrical cut).

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


There are very little deleted scenes from the show, almost nothing in fact.
And no, no Ben killing Maddy. I know they shot this only so the actors themselves wouldn't know who the killer is, so I gather the footage was never even edited.

Do you remember what were the scenes about?

And there are no scene between Shelly and Bobby, which is weird now that I think about it. (there is however a scene with Bobby's parents, who are absent from the theatrical cut).

Is there a scripted scene of Bobby and Shelly?


No, there was no scripted scene between Shelly and Bobby, only a rumoured one.




OMG I haven't seen it yet but I saw preview clips of it and I'm freaking out it's so amazing! I can't wait! It's so nice to see the people I love again, young and new material! I'm so glad David Lynch is giving us this gift 25 years later. Knowing how much we crave it!

