ChiChi Quintero

"User Comments:

2 out of 2 people found the following comment useful:-
an "interesting" film, 1 December 2000

Author: ([email protected]) from Berkeley, CA

Directed by Craig Baldwin (Negativland's "Sonic Outlaws"), Trib99 offers a Grand Unified Theory of Conspiracies including Castro, Kennedy, the wolf man, killer bees, the Panama Canal, and the United Fruit Company. As with any good conspiracy theory a surprising amount of the information is 100% fact with a small amount of completely unverifiable speculation to tie it together. Assembled completely from stock footage. "

This reviewer forgot to mention one very important detail: within the Grand Unified Theories of Conspiracies, including Castro, kennedy, the Wolf Man, etc., he forgot to mention... ChiChi Quintero!


Also unmentioned was Luis Posada, who has been in the news of late. Even though he is clearly a terrorist, the US refuses to extradite him to Venezuela. So, who is Chi Chi Quintero?
