
I need (would greatly appreciate some) help. In the reprise of "The Closing of the Year", the second-from-last track on the CD, there's a brief segment where a chior of children is singing "...Sagrent Major...sleigh bells ringing through the snow..." I've done searches, but I can't find the rest of the lyrics anywhere!

"Fight like Tadaka."

"It's the CLIMAX!!"


Up on the knees of a sergeant major
ride through the woods with the wind in your hair
silver bells on a stolen reindeer
as we race to the castle over there


Thanks! Where'd you find it?


"Put this place on red alert. They're as good as dead."


>Up on the knees of a sergeant major
>ride through the woods with the wind in your hair
>silver bells on a stolen reindeer
>as we race to the castle over there

After listening to the section several times slowed down it's really hard to know if those are really correct. I too found these lyrics, as well as a few others online, they all seem to just be interpretations. With the exception of "sergeant major", they do sound like they fit syllable wise. I believe those to be the general "gist" of that section, but it just doesn't add up when compared to the lyrics of the rest of the song.


I didn't really get the film. However I loved the music in it, and didn't realize there was a formal soundtrack made for the film. I'm gonna buy it! I really love the song The Happy Workers by Tori Amos, but I just love Tori Amos in general.


Thaks, shadow16. Apparently, that lyrics isn't an interpretation, since zhan-2 responded with the same thing, and it seemed to fit last time I listened to the soundtrack

"Smart things are hardly ever bad, and bad things are never smart." -Penn & Teller
