
I remember when this was first released & I am 15 now. This movie was one of my favourites when I was little!

"God will never give you anything you can't handle, so don't stress."



I love both the original T&J cartoons *and* this movie.

Cleanliness is next to managerliness. ^.~


I guess this is where I'm different from the rest of you guys, I like the original cartoons, the Tom and Jerry Kids show AND this movie. I think all three are great cartoons and they're all funny...they ought to be showing that stuff more and less of the new cartoons.


Some of the cartoons were okkay...not all of them. The movie was probably the first I saw of the cat/mouse team, so I guess I liked that better...the animation was cleaner (better-looking, not less perverted), in my mind.

Ich bin eine Nichtraucher.
