Robyns song

Where can i get the lyrics? i've looked everywhere, and i can't watch the movie and write the lyrics down cause we put it in storage! (curse my dad!)


This is from memory, but I'm pretty sure it's accurate.

Do I miss you?
Count the stars
Multiply by ten
Course I do
More than now and then.

I could paint a rainbow
Shine the sky
Set the stars in space
Faster than explain how much
I miss your face

Watch the moon
Someday soon
He will start to smile
Then I'll know I'll see you
In a while

But till then
I'll miss you
Dry my tears
Hide my fears away
Until that happy day

To the rainbow's end
Is where
I would go, my friend
I do.
Miss you so.


hm that's robyns version.. but what about the one version
the end titles from the Movie?
Stephanie Mills version?

I don't understand it well 'cause i ripped it from the movie >,<
and I'm not so good in english....
could someone mabey post the lyrics to this version? :3
(will expirie on 6. september)


"Do I miss you? Count the stars,
Multiply by ten;
'Course I do, more than now and then...
I could paint a rainbow, shine the sky(sun),
Set the stars in space;
Faster than explain
How much I miss your face.

Watch the moon, someday soon,
He will start to smile
When I say,
"I'll see you in a while"....

But till then, I'll miss you
Dry my tears, hide my fears away
Til that happy day;
To the rainbow's end, is where I would go,
My friend, I do miss you so...

Conclusion( at end of movie)

I don't have to miss you anymore,
Now for sure, my friend;
You're at your journey's end...
No more need to roam,
At last you are home,
But,oh, I did miss you so!


;D this song the only vaguely good thing about the movie ;D?!


and she has the drawing and her tears make the colors run!....

wow. This is really nostalgic


yeah, feels great doesnt it?

sigh. i miss everyone back home. college rocks, but leaving sucks.

Thank you, Jonathan Larson.
