The ending

I absolutely loved this film which I only recently discovered yet I was left feeling that something was missing from the very end.

The whole second part of the film had focused on Gacy breaking down as the net closed in on him and his horrific past. Yet despite the excellent and well paced discovery of the bodies in Gacy's house, we are not given any scenes with Gacy thereafter. I thought at least a clip of him in prison or being told the bodies were discovered or something?

I hsve heard that the dvd version was cut dramatically so was something deleted involving Gacy at the end??

Because that was all I felt was missing from this undiscovered masterpiece.



That's how the director chose to end it, the Gacy story is very long and complex, Read "Buried Dreams: Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer" for the whole story. He was jailed for homosexual rape of teen boys who worked for a KFC he managed in Iowa in the 60's. He had failed marriages, they had to narrow down the focus to the Robert Piest murder investigation and the scene of the discovery of the crawlspace cemetery was the perfect way to wrap this up without getting offtrack.(Look at the dismal "Pearl Harbor" for a movie that lacked focus, that whole Doolittle Raid subplot did not belong in that movie.) Gacy tried to fake a multiple personality disorder at his trial to get out of it, but that would have been outside the focus of To Catch a Killer.(by the way, reputable scientists don't believe that Multiple Personality Syndrome is real, just an act by troubled people. The media however presents it as real because it makes for good fiction.)

