funny scenes and funny lines

Plucky; No Hampton! Not on the comic!!!!!!

Plucky:Now to wet my whistle.

Winnie pig: There's that nice young man we met. Did you give him our address?

Hampton: No mom. I gave him plucky's.

Plucky: WHAT?!

Little Boo:Are you married??Hmmmmmmm????

Babs:(in disquise) Sure am! Meet the missus!

Elmyra: You need a tune up!

Elmyra:(looking out the window) Kitty kitty kitty!

Buster: Over here Barbara Ann Bunny!

Babs:Dont call me that!

Big Daddy Boo: Well skin me alive and call me luggage!


They bring their own food to the drive in, I can't believe this family!

I wanna kitty witty head!

Meet the missus! (Ew-woof)

I'm free! FREE! Free at last!

Hasta Lombego!
