MovieChat Forums > Sneakers (1992) Discussion > Cool skyship picture

Cool skyship picture

Does anybody what artist created these stylish skyship pictures in cosmos computer room. I took a pic off from the screen and NO Art gallery had an Idea...
Do you?



There's a list of artists displayed at the end of the credits after music:
Jonathan Borofsky, Robbie Conal, Sonia Delaunay, Helen Frankenthaler, Robert Mapplethorpe, Dan McCleary, Tatsuo Miyajima, Mark Stock, and Donald Sultan.

I haven't been able to identify the zeppelin painting by plugging any of these names into Google Images. I'm also trying to find out who created that. You can probably rule out many of the artists based on style or media.


It was probably created for the film, by one of the artists mentioned or the
production designer. I haven't been able to find anything like it by looking
up the artists or searching related key words.


Wow - I just joined this whole chat specifically to ask this question - and here it is posed by several of you already...
PLEASE SOMEONE find this out - and tell us how to get it!
Also - Christian - can you email the pic?

I've got a whole collection of zeppelins - and have been searching searching searching for this one!!

Thanks for ANY info!

[email protected]


Yeah I came here for the same thing, weird. Theres a series of these in the room, anyone found anything yet?


That is the Hindenburg (if it is the one you are talking about). It is a blimp pretty much.


I thought they were cool pictures also. I would have them on my wall.



That is really close to what is in the movie alasdairs.


Next questions: what does the skyship MEAN? Seems to me it was subtext. Did it represent the Hindenberg, which crashed and burned? Was society crashing and burning? Also, the Zeppelins were created and run by the Nazis. Did that mean that Cosmo, and all he represented, was akin to Naziism?

Talk to me people.

Unc John "We makin' trouble?"
Stacy "Yeah"
Unc John "What kind?"
Stacy "...The forever kind"



Cosmo's plans, like the blimp, were big and grandiose, flew high, and then ultimately crashed and burned.

You may walk on the beach, you may swim in the ocean... under SWAT team surveillance, of course.


Like everyone else I would love to find these posters. I can't find them anywhere on the internet, even with an image search. This is the irony, I used to have one of these posters on my wall which was subsequently lost. I can't remember the artist or the source. I'm pretty sure I got it in the 70's.
