MovieChat Forums > Sneakers (1992) Discussion > Question about the plot. (plothole??)

Question about the plot. (plothole??)

I watched this movie for the first time today and enjoyed it on the whole. However, I do have a lingering question that might be considered a plot hole. And I didn't see this specific question being discussed on the other threads, so hopefully I'm not just reiterating what others have said.

So up to the hour mark, where Martin has been kidnapped and it's revealed that Cosmo's behind everything and he gives that speech about making everyone equal and no one would be poor or rich, etc. Then, Cosmo goes to his computer desk and explains thoroughly how he will put Martin's DNA on the gun his goons used to kill his Russian friend and his driver, and how it'll show up on all the databases that Martin Brice committed this crime, and the Cosmo puts in the FBI's database that Martin Bishop is his alibi. Cosmo specifically states that tomorrow the gun with the prints will be found and the day after it'll show up that Bishop is an alibi and everyone will be out for Martin. Now, we actually see Martin put the data in and set it up. And, unless I missed something, we as a viewer are lead to believe that this is set to happened, and the chain of events is started as soon as the name "Martin Bishop" is entered into the database. We are not lead to believe that Cosmo is bluffing, but that this set of events is now in motion.

Yet, nothing seems to come out of this, at all. We see the team spend at least two full days to watch Werner Brandes' movements. Wouldn't the FBI be all over Bishop at this point? I was waiting for this to catch up with Martin and his team. But he never even mentions "Oh hey, so Cosmo (who's in charge of this whole scheme, he's not really dead like I thought fyi) has set me up and we should work fast" or anything. Cosmo had the money and the means to keep to his word, the Feds would of easily been able to track down Bishop... This really through me off, because up until this point the movie was mostly believable. Now, I might of gotten this all wrong but could someone tell me if this is a plothole or can be easily explained?


It's been a while since I saw this movie, so I'd have to rewatch to be sure, but it sounds like Cosmo may have outsmarted himself.

If he was counting on the DNA to put the police onto Martin Brice, it would have taken much longer than a day or two to get DNA results back, especially in 1992.

You know what inspiration is? The momentary cessation of stupidity.
- SGM Jonas Blane


I'm watching it right now, and he never says that the police would find DNA on the gun...he only says fingerprints. And, considering that San Francisco is a pretty big city, even if they did get fingerprints off the gun, it might take a few days at minimum to process the evidence and get a match.

Police work isn't like it is in the movies and on takes time to process evidence, and put together the necessary information to go after someone. So even if Cosmo did put Martin's "Martin Bishop" alias into the police system (which we don't know for CERTAIN he actually did), there's probably more than one Martin Bishop in San Francisco, so it's not like they would immediately know it was THAT Martin Bishop.

Obviously I don't know for sure, but I'd be willing to bet he'd have at least a week before the heat would be coming down on him. Plenty of time for them to finish the job and make the deal with Abbott, which would clear Martin of any wrongdoing, including the fingerprints on the gun.


I've seen the movie multiple times & also had the same question as to why Bishop had so much time after Cosmo entered an Alias into the FBI database. First off he didn't have to plant evidence. The gun was handled by Bishop & had his fingerprints all over it. One of Cosmo's men took the gun from Bishop & used it to shoot the Russian guy & the limo driver, then placed the weapon on the ground at the scene of the crime. Cosmo explained that when the FBI ran the gun for fingerprints they'd see that they belong to "Martin Brice", but nobody knows where Martin Brice is anymore. So Cosmo enters in an alias name of "Martin Bishop" & updates the FBI database. Cosmo wrongfully assumes that it will take the police just a day to process the gun for fingerprints, when it reality it takes even in today's time about a week. It is more likely that Cosmo was trying to scare Bishop into hiding again so he wouldn't come after Cosmo & retake the black box.


In 1992, it would have taken at least a few days before the prints were identified. Secondly, it would take some sometime to track them down. Remember, their headquarters wasn't in San Francisco, but in Oakland on the other side of the bay. This was the reason why Liz's house was used as a safe location; since their address was across the bay, once the prints were identified, they likely be focusing the search, at least initially, there.

Also, they weren't only in S.F. but also staking out the Playtronics building, which was across the Dumbarton Bridge, coming from the S.F. side, putting in the Fremont/Newark/Union City area, a good 40-50 miles from the core S.F and Oakland areas.

So all in all I don't fend the scenario as presented to be all that far fetched in regards in their ability to roam around, in a plain gray GM "lunch van" no less, without being caught, which is only exasperated by the fact that finger print look up and verification, given the technology of the day, was not an instantaneous affair.


I agree with the op. As viewers we just have to assume the time estimates given by Cosmo for the police processing to complete are accurate. And even if they're off by a day or so Martin would still have mentioned that there is a time concern once he got back from being abducted. But that never really happens.

But really, in the grand scope of things does this really matter ? Everything ends up playing out in the end legally so why is it really that important?


They move into Liz's house as a result. But Martin is used to living as a fugitive so it's not surprising he's not that unnerved by it.

But what likelihood would there be that the police got onto him? They would need to get good prints off the gun and then match it to a record from 20 years before of a suspect who apparently was never arrested (and therefore not properly fingerprinted). And then there are a lot of Martin Bishops.

On the other hand, Cosmo can keep feeding the police with anonymous tips, as he does by linking Greg's murder to Janek's.


Martin Bice wasn't caught in 1969. Would the FBI have had his finger prints or his DNA?
