MovieChat Forums > Sneakers (1992) Discussion > Compared to 'Hackers' this is a better h...

Compared to 'Hackers' this is a better hacker movie

As someone in the Indusry of ISP's and IP Networking I find this to be a better movie than 1995's 'Hackers'. After watching this some 20 years later I think this movie inspired me more than than Crash and Burn as a young one.


It's not really a hacker movie at all. It's a film about cryptography and data security.


Compared to 'Hackers,' 'Gone With the Wind,' is a better hacker movie ...


But "Hackers" has Penn and a nice boob-shot of Jolie. It at least has THAT going for it.

"De gustibus non disputandum est"


Hackers wasn't meant to be a serious film. Hackers was meant to visualize for the layman what it felt like to be a hacker. 2 hours of a guy sitting behind his computer chatting with friends and breaking into computer systems would not be entertaining.


Argh. "Hackers". A film that was out-of-date before it even hit theaters. It's like it was made by people who overheard a conversation about the internet once, and then wrote a screenplay. Because of course it stands to reason that if these hackers "surf" the 'net, then those people would be rebellious punky skater dudes. Everything really hits a nadir when Jonny Lee Miller compliments Angelina Jolie on her laptop's "refresh rate". Yeah man, FRESH!!! That said, for such a misguided waste of time, the film did spawn three excellent soundtracks featuring some of the best trance and techno of the mid-90s.

There have been some effective and suspenseful films built around sitting and typing at a computer - "WarGames", "The Social Network", and yes, parts of "Sneakers" - but "Hackers" is not one of them.

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That's funny because both movies are guilty pleasures for me and if I had to say which one I like more it would be Hackers. Even though I know it's not very realistic it still is fun to watch. I love Sneakers but find myself rewatching Hackers more.


My thoughts exactly. Sneakers is more grounded in reality. Especially for the early 90s. Hackers, though preposterous at times with its visualizations of cyberspace, is a fun film. Also, Hackers is an admitted guilty pleasure of mine.


Same here... personally I think Sneakers is overall the better movie and has a timeless quality to it, but Hackers, while silly at (many) times, was and is a lot of fun.





Well at least movie didn't have people flipping Floppy Disc and Zip Drives trying to be cool.


Hackers was a fun movie, but you can't take it seriously. I don't think a movie has every done hacking correctly since a lot of filmmaking is based on audience expectations and not reality. Which is probably good since I wouldn't want every 16 year-old yahoo trying out real tricks they learned from a movie.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!
