Redford's age....

Look, Redford is getting on in years, I understand that. Even when this film was made he was old. You can see the age in his face, which would be fine if he played the role of an old man, but he doesn't. Clearly he still wants to be 30 years old. The romance angle in this movie between him and Mary McDonell is just creepy... a 60+ year old man pursuing a sub-30 year old woman.

Redford has obviously never come to terms with his own age, and consistently tries to play these younger characters. That's a bit sad, and not something you like to watch.
I've seen things that would make you want to write a book on how to puke.


Redford was actually in his mid-50s when SNEAKERS was made (not "60-plus") and since he's playing a former sixties radical his character must be at least in his late 40s, perhaps 50, which is only five years younger than his true age.

And McDonnell was 40 herself (not "sub-30") at the time of production.

In other words, this movie features a romance between two people in their early and late forties.

Not sure I see a problem there.


I had no problem buying it. Especially as she was seen to be so much mature than he was. That made them equal in mental age, if she wasn't even older than him on that level.


It looked as tho they were in college when Cosmo got busted. 1992 is 23 years later, so he's playing a character around 45 years old. Mary Mcdonald was 40 when this was made.

And we're talking about Bob Redford here. That guy can bang 18 year old well into his 80s.

Unless youre responding to me, dont hit reply to my post

I <3 Emily Blunt


"And we're talking about Bob Redford here. That guy can bang 18 year old well into his 80s."

I've found a new personal motto.


Men didn't moisturise and preen themselves back in the day. Redford looked younger than his real age in the movie


I just saw him and her as being "middle aged". I didn't really care if she was 10 years young as BTW, most middle aged men have girls 10 years younger in movies.
