DVD Quality

I saw this movie twice in the theater when it first came out (don't ask me why). A year ago I received it as a present because the person who gave it to me saw Clive Barkers name on the sticker on the overwrap (talk about a cheap way to promote a movie... with a seven second cameo) and they knew I am huge Barker fan. Anyway, I finally got bored enough to watch it tonight and the video/digital quality is absolutely horrid. I own hundreds of DVDs and have downloaded hundreds more. The quality of this studio release is worse than most hand-held camera downloads I have! The rendering makes the mother look like Al Jolsen throughout the latter part of the movie. Did anyone else notice this?


The DVD I saw was pretty good quality I thought. The funny part was the last 30 seconds went to hooooooorrible quality. It was odd. The beginning was quite good, up until the last 30 seconds or so, when Tanya was sitting in the car with the cat, all of a sudden the quality went to crap.
