
I couldnt help but notice that when the creature tried to "feed" on the virgin, he put his mouth to hers and seemed to be sucking the life out of her, In Kings book Desperation, the evil god Tak tranfsers himself from human to human the exact same there some kind of connection between this movie and that book?


I've not read Desperation, but I know that King often criss-crosses his stories. King uses some of the same towns, like in Stand By Me (based on King's short story The Body), the town was Castle Rock, like in King's novel, Needful Things. King also uses the same quotes. In the book Pet Semetary, one of the characters says, "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy," that comes from The Shining. So in reference to your question, it could very well be a connection.


In Stephen King's "Cat's Eye", a small gremlin type creature sucks the soul out of the little girl just the same way... so it might not be a connection, just a situation used before.
