MovieChat Forums > Shining Through (1992) Discussion > What was the song when... Ed Leland seei...

What was the song when... Ed Leland seeinf Linda..

...for the first time in six months after their passionate affair, and he has come strolling in with a stunning brunette] You can come work for me while I'm here, I can always use a good secretary.
Linda Voss: This is all so civilized, Edward. That's what you like, isn't it? Civilized people, polite ladies with pedigrees who look good at the opera, and never make you laugh too hard, and never make you feel too much. I've had a lot of time to think about this and don't tell me it's the war, when I've been waiting for six months to hear whether you're dead or alive and you waltz into a nightclub.
Ed Leland: Linda, I came in last night and I was going to call you.
Linda Voss: Oh, go to hell.
[He grabs her arm]
Linda Voss: Careful, Ed. You might have to admit you know me.
Ed Leland: Linda, it is the war.
Linda Voss: You're so noble, Ed.
Ed Leland: Did I promise you something? If I did, I'd like to know.
2nd G.I. in Canteen: Excuse me sir, I thought the young lady might like to dance.

What was the song when they were having this conversation and dancing?


There were two songs.

When he first walked in, during their conversation, and about halfway through their dance, the song "I'll Be Seeing You" was playing. Lots of people have recorded this one.

Then the song changes to "Goodnight Sweetheart." This was mainly a Guy Lombardo song.

Here are the lyrics to help you decide which one you're wondering about.


I'll Be Seeing You

I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces all day through
In that small cafe, the park across the way
The children's carousel, the chestnut trees, the wishing well

I'll be seeing you in every lovely summer's day
In everything that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way
I'll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you

I'll be seeing you in every lovely summer's day
In everything that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way
I'll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you


Goodnight Sweetheart

Good night sweetheart, Good night, sweetheart,
Till we meet tomorrow,
Good night sweetheart,
Sleep will banish sorrow.
Tears and parting
May make us forlorn,
But with the dawn
A new day is born,
So I'll say
Good night, sweetheart,
Tho' I'm not beside you,
Good night, sweetheart,
Still my love will guide you
Dreams enfold you,
In each one I'll hold you,
Good night, sweetheart, good night.


Thanks so much for offering this information. I've been looking for years for a CD with the soundtrack. Anybody know where I can get one? Also, do you know who the singer was who sang those two songs? Although one of them wasnt' written until after the date in the movie, I don't care--it was a very moving scene--one of my all time favorites!!!




I agree, when i was a kid I loved that part in the movie. I am 26 now, and only a year ago I found the soundtrack to that part. It was on ebay and someone had it, so I bought it. There are alot of versions of "I'll Be Seeing You," but this seems to be the only one I like. Keep searching ebay



Does the soundtrack recording give credit to the lady that did the song "I'll be seeing you"? Can you share her name? Thanks....Ric.


I was wondering the same thing, in the movie credits the USO singer is listed as Deirdre Harrison but I don't think she's actually singing the song because when you look her up on this site or google her it appears that she's an actress, there's no mention anywhere of her being a singer. So I get the impression that someone else is singing the song but in the song credits all they list is who wrote it back in the 40's, not who's singing it in the movie.

Oh,and it is NOT Billie Holliday, I've listened to her version of the song and it's a lot different than this one.

Does anyone know?

Btw; the soundtrack is available on Amazon on CD (used) for $30 and up.


You can by the soundtrack on iTunes for like $10

"Liberty is impossible without morality, and morality is impossible without faith" ~ A. Tocqueville


Amazon has the CD for sale, used.


Here's a video of Deirdre Harrison's version of "I'll be Seeing You" from the movie, with a video montage of movie couples.


Thank you Polaris 101 for that link. Really enjoyed that video.


Loved that song and as what the others have said it is I'll be seeing you.. It made me teary-eyed when I saw that part you can actually feel the hurt and pain in Linda's eyes. Especially when he interrupted her dance with another guy, they said:

Linda: What do you want from me? (Crying)
Ed: I want you to stop feeling sorry for yourself
Linda: Now you want me to stop feeling.. (Still crying)

Loved that movie. It's one of those movies that show people how they want to be loved. Especially when Ed rescued her despite him almost getting killed..


I'll be seeing you Performed by Deidre Harris Written By S. Fain & I. Kahal
