The story?

I've heard a lot of criticisms about the plot (or lack of) in Shadows and Fog and that people are finding it confusing.

I don’t get it, its pretty straight forward stuff. The plot of the killer itself is not the main focus but rather a reason for Max (Woody) to be running around in the middle of the night meeting wacky characters.
He's basically using the plot as a back drop rather than a reason for the film. Maybe others don’t get this which is a shame because Shadows is a wonderfully shot and very funny film.

"Enough with the badges! When do we get the freakin' guns!?"


I think that it's not so much the story that's confusing but the idea of using a serial killer as a reason to have Woody and Mia run around meeting wacky characters that is confusing.

While I think I understand Woody Allen's humor, I don't like his films. I laughed exactly once during this (for the line "I don't understand enough to be incompetent"). I like Bergman and Kafka and Becket. I don't like Woody Allen wringing his hands and simpering while a Bergman/Kafka/Becket story is playing out around him.

In hell, "Waiting for Godot" has an extra act, and it's Woody Allen arriving in the role of Godot.
