Just wondering if anyone has seen or heard of this film on DVD?


It's already out.


I'm glad you posed this question. You also got a good response from
another viewer. I just saw this movie for the first time on video last
night and was impressed mainly by the look of the film. The movie in
whole was pretty good and I think I would like to get in on DVD.


I see you posted this a few months ago so I'm sorry to repeat if you already got the film...but I know it is available as part of one of the Woody Allen collections (the 2nd one I believe). Those you can get on Amazon...I'm not sure if you can get it on its own though....probably.

"Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's."


I know here in Canada you can get a copy of it on its own at HMV and other stores like that fairly easily.

It usually is only like $10 to $14 too, so it's a real steal (and thats in CANADIAN dollars! lol)


I see you posted this a few months ago so I'm sorry to repeat if you already got the film...but I know it is available as part of one of the Woody Allen collections (the 2nd one I believe). Those you can get on Amazon...I'm not sure if you can get it on its own though....probably.

"Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's."

It's definitely available by itself, and out on DVD. MGM has released it thru their "Contemporary Classics" series and also has a regular edition release. I've seen both editions on sale at video stores, ranging from about $10-$15 (US).

"I think that silent films got a lot more things right than talkies." --Stanley Kubrick


I picked my copy up in Fopp for the princely sum of £5. I'm really getting into Woody Allen films, and they're all dirt cheap! It's great! :D


I just bought the Laserdisc of it for $1.00 U.S. at Half Price Books. :-)



i picked up a copy at Big lots for $2.00.


I have the DVD in a Woody Allen Collection, so it's out on DVD.


Picked up a copy at the dollar tree. It's wide screen.
