John Cusack question

So I've been on a John Cusack kick lately and I've been trying to get my hands on all of his movies. I've done alright so far but now I'm up to "Shadows and Fog." My question is, being the non-fan of Woody Allen's that I am (I just don't get his humor), is this movie worth seeing for John Cusack's performance? He is billed quite low and it was relatively early in his career, so I assume he has a rather bit part. Any help would be appreciated!


If you're a true John Cusack fan (as I am) you have to check it out. He has scenes with Lili Tomlin, Jody foster, John Malkovich, Mia and Woody himself. His part is charming, witty and shows that beginning process of his talent… don’t misunderstand I think he’s great in some of his 80’s films but as he got more mature roles (“True Colors”, “Grifters”)that transition from teen to adult is truly a joy to watch.


Thanks! That has helped more than the replies on the Cusack board. I've always been pretty sure I would watch it, unless someone told me to not to (but then I'd probably watch it anyway, just out of spite).

Lloyd Dobler was simply the best part of who I could ever be. John Cusack


Cusack's role is of good size considering how much ensemble work is involved. His # of lines may only be exceeded by Woody and Mia(and maybe Malkovich).

Note that Cusacke is also the main character of Woody's fabulous "Bullets Over Broadway"(but I do say that as a hard-core Woody fan, for sure:)


I also find Woody's films to be laborious and self indulgent. His humor is WAY too pseudo-intellectual for me. HOWEVER Shadows and Fog is the closest he has ever come to a real thought provoking endeavour. My only explanation for how well the film carries itself is the INCREDIBLE talent involved. John Cusack is high on the list. Add to that Lily Tomlin, Jodie Foster, Kathy Bates, David Ogden Stiers, and a couple more. The scene at the whorehouse dinner table is the best scene Woody has ever filmed. What other actors in the world could have done that scene better? A very young Cusack holds his own and more amidst this over qualified cast. Any true fan of John SHOULD see this film and congratulate yourself for choosing him as a favorite. Shadows and Fog will probably be among your top reasons when explaining why you are a Cusack fan. ENJOY!!


I would check out "Bullets Over Broadway" then. Cusack has a large role in that and the film was well received.


I could NOT believe John Cusack could be so brilliant. I also like that he was with Malkovich who he would go on to do Being John Malkovich with. So cool.
