MovieChat Forums > Shadows and Fog (1992) Discussion > i dont know about you, but i liked it...

i dont know about you, but i liked it...

it was typical woody allen. funny, witty, full of one-liners. and what about that HUGE cast? i mean was that the biggest all-star cast or what? every 2 seconds i saw another recognizable actor/actress. all of you haters are insane!! this was a great film!!!


A beautiful film unlike any movie put out in the 90's, perhaps thats why it wasn't received that well. The cast was great and i was never distracted like some movies are when they seem to be throwing in know names just to make the film seem better. I love the original play (Death in Allen's Without Feathers) and I think Allen is one of the greatest directors ever not just because of how thoughtful the films are but also because they are usually technically amazing in lighting, camera movements, character placement, and set design, all of which Shadow and fog excells at.


I had big expectations for this one simply because of the box cover for the tape. Plus, I love the Lang/Murnau German style, which Woody is clearly emulating (but somehow never coveting) here. The actors are all excellent, especially Malkovich and Cusack. Woody's character is especially interesting. He plays a certain kind of vulnerability and boyishness in this one that I thought was really good for him. Different glasses, too.


"Woody Allen wears different glasses."

That should have been the tagline on the posters.


What an embarrassment of riches! Just when you think you have a grasp on the cast, someone else pops in out of the fog to contribute more gems of humor and anguish to a film overflowing with both. And excellent film with an excellent cast, thanks primarily to an excellent writer and director!


Yup! Woody should make 50% of the movies that come out of Hollywood. That would still leave enough crap for most folks.


Indeed. If there was at least one film released each week of Woody's caliber instead of the mind-numbing romantic comedies and action flicks, I'd start going to the movies again.


Warped, that's why I keep searching Canadian, French, Australian,
British, Spanish and on and on. Good movies are so rare.
There are great American movies but they seem to be overlooked independents.
But I admit I love big-budget star vehicles like Salt, The Tourist, Stone, etc. Many more. But the off-beat is such a wonderful antidote to it all when you get sick of it.


Hello, Killdawabittn: Yes, there are some great foreign titles being released, and of course Woody's films are often European these days. I haven't seen any of the titles you've mentioned, but "Salt" was playing as the in-flight movie on a recent trip I took, and it looked very entertaining. I like Angelina Jolie, even though she doesn't always make the best films. She's someone I would love to see working with Woody!


No, Angie doesn't make the BEST films. But she makes me want to watch her always. Yes, I would love to see Angelina in a Woody Allen. But maybe not. She is a rare quantity and I love her so much I can't fault anything she does. I loved The Tourist and Salt.
She is a star I think above Woody Allen. It's personal opinion at this point but I almost worship Angelina. I am even afraid that she is antichrist but I so don't want her to be. I think she is a wonderful woman and mother. She is just SO perfect! I LOVE her!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the impression that you're quite taken with Angelina? She is consistently excellent in everything I've seen her in, including films I didn't really want to watch, like "Life or Something Like It," which was surprisingly good (but would have been a toss-off if not for her).

I absolutely love her as an actress, but I don't have any interest in the tabloid/celebrity stuff. I can't really tell if she's driving that machine or being driven by the media. Anyway, I knew from seeing her in early films like "Gia" and "Hackers" that this was a major talent with a future. Did you see the young Angie baby in the closing scene of Hal Ashby's "Lookin' to Get Out," from 1982? Charming!

You're right that she doesn't really need Woody Allen, and I'm not sure if the combination would really click these days anyway because some of his films are a bit "off." But I wish she'd make loftier, artier films than the popcorn fare.


Yikes! I was drinking when I wrote that. Still love her though. :-p


I thought the gushing was very sweet, actually.


The gushing was sweet ?
I am sorry but this is exactly what is wrong with American audiences(or rather modern audiences). They are in awe of actors when the real credit should go to the people behind the scenes-Script-writer, director and the crew.
Actors are puppets...replaceable. You do not need talent to be an actor, they shine if they are handled well by the director.
It sort of pissed me off when you said Angelina Jolie is above Woody allen....seriously, how low does that sound. Does that mean she is above James Cameron - the man who practically invented a new camera and made 2 of the highest grossing films ever ? You mean if Angelina Jolie is fortunate enough that James Cameron gives her a role, you would go and see it not because of Cameron but for the petty stars ?
Understand the auteur theory, watch Andrei Tarkovsky or Stanley Kubrick to truly cherish this medium called cinema.
Actors are like furnitures on the set- Replaceable and often in awe of the man behind the camera.
