MovieChat Forums > Scent of a Woman (1993) Discussion > Al and De Niro Not the best actors

Al and De Niro Not the best actors

All either are outstanding at playing are gangsters, tough cops, cool guys.
Neither are versatile as many other actors. They are the best at playing certain characters, is what should be said imo.
Both have been in absolute stinkers.
There are many better overall actors. Tom Hanks is a better actor, as are many British actors.

Just my opinion but one I have always had.


I agree. Tom Hanks is my favourite actor. Quite honestly I think De Niro has slightly more scope than Pacino but I agree they're very much typecast.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


Hard to argue with you about Al but Deniro I can't see thinking that. Yea, he's been in some bad movies since the late 90's but prior to that he could do any role. His performance in awakenings was amazing as was he in King of Comedy. Two completely different roles and both completely different than his tough guy roles. How he portrayed max cady in Cape Fear was incredible. Just hard for me to think of anyone better than Deniro at his best.


It should be noted that Robert Downey Jr. is an infinitely better actor than Al Pacino.


John Noble is far more talented and versatile also, as are many old English/British/Irish actors. And European.


Yeah when you compare old school stage actors or even old school Hollywood to current Hollywood it's pretty disheartening. Not that there aren't still some gems...I know Philip Seymour Hoffman was very heavily involved with stage acting again towards the end of his life. That one still stings...that guy had so much left to give,


But Tom Hanks apart from the Ladykillers always plays the good guy in films or guy you root for type of roles. Always. Its becoming a bit predictable if you ask me.

De niro and Al Pacino have both played bad guys in movies.


My respect for De Niro plummets with every bad movie he does. I think it's hit rock bottom thanks to Bad Grandpa. *shudders*


Look, if you don't think Robert DeNiro is a great actor, get your damn head examined. As for Pacino, he is good too.


Many fine actors specialize in certain kinds of roles. That they may not be as versatile as some other actors does not detract I from the excellence or enjoyment of their acting. I like Tom Hanks and thought he was excellent in Philadelphia. But I've seen many more films of Al and Bob than of Tom. I find the films of Pacino and DeNiro more interesting and enjoyable than those of Hanks. And I believe both Pacino and DeNiro are excellent actors.

In classic fils, I've always admired Tracy, March and Olivier. I would rank them in the very top echelon foo classic actors. But I also love the films of Peck, Mitchum, Lancaster, Gable, Power, and Flynn, just to name a few. If these very fine actors rank below the top three, so what?




They are the best at playing certain characters, is what should be said

If you ask me, you simply discovered the secret behind any great actor. The idea that some people can play just any role and reinvent themselves constantly is a myth. A great actor is always a combination of talent and casting. The best actor in the world could not save the situation if he was completely miscast and the apparently best casting choice is worthless without actual acting skills.

Behind every great portrayal, there's an equally great casting decision and great actors are not only good at what they do, but are also great at choosing the right role. No actor can play just any situation convincingly and no situation can be played by just any actor.

I think what you say is absolutely true, Pacino and de Niro are especially good in one rather specific type of roles and the variety in their mannerism and mimics is limited and will inexorably repeat itself. However, the same can be said for any actor out there.

When was the last time Hanks, Nicholson, Denzel, S. Hoffman, Day-Lewis, Pacino, de Niro or di Caprio played somebody that wasn't himself in a movie? I say even a great actor can't portray more than say a few completely different characters before starting to be redundant and reuse idiosyncrasies of other characters.

Also, how much of an acting performance is actually the actor himself who transpires behind his character? Much more than we think. Which is exactly why de Niro will always be de Niro and Pacino will always be Pacino.

It doesn't mean all the actors mentioned above aren't the best at what they do though.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²


They're both quite abundantly versatile, especially Pacino. Even when he plays gangsters... would you kindly point out what do Michael Corleone, Tony Montana, Carlito Brigante and Lefty Ruggerio have in common, exactly?

And Tom Hanks? He mostly plays middle-of-the-road likeable everyman characters (although, for one thing, his rare comic turn in The Ladykillers was quite amusing).

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
