MovieChat Forums > Scent of a Woman (1993) Discussion > something i never understood about the m...

something i never understood about the movie

pacino goes to see the escort and they dont show it? i wanted to see him "in action" and what kind of woman he got


I think a gratuitous sex scene would have taken from the tone of the movie I'm glad they didn't show it. Besides it's more than than obvious she's a beautiful woman with a rocking body if she serves foreign dignitary's.

Yours sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott


Roger Ebert (yes, the late Roger Ebert) mentioned in his review that it was better not to show that. Maybe the idea isn't him actually having sex, but thinking about it.


We are seeing the whole story through Charlie's eyes; he is on screen the whole time. We can't see what Col Slade does when Charlie's not present. So we wait in the car with Charlie.

In any case, no depiction of Slade's time with the 'beautiful woman' could be as eloquent as his face and voice as he gets back in the car, utterly happy and satisfied.


Suzume- excellent post! I agree completely!


I think it's also allowing us to see things the way Frank does to some extent. He's blind, so he never actually saw the women. We have to infer what it was like from his reactions after. That's much more powerful than showing her; it lets us imagine what this woman must have looked like.

Whores will have their trinkets.


i didn't see the original italian movie, but i guess that was some of it remnants with the firrari and the tango and pacino's casting. since it's hardly for an italian movie to exist without sex scenes. but i agree it's good not to show, since it's possible that with depression he couldn't actually do much more than smelling her.


Sometimes less is more. It can be better to let the audience think or use their imagination rather than serve them everything on a plate, so to speak.


Exactly. Sometimes it is also the same with comedy. You don't show the funny incident, but talk about it, which makes it funny in your head.


I was totally fine not seeing Pacino blow it (literally) with a woman. Would have given it more of a Leone / Scorcese tone anyway. Even with all the cursing and innuendo, this has the feel of a family film.


Yeah dude. Just Google "Blind Guy Porn" I'm sure it's out there.

~~~"Who do you think you're dealing with? Guess again."~~~


The movie is called SCENT of a Woman, not F**cking a Woman.


That wasn't what the movie was about.

It wasn't called "Sex with a woman."
