Best line in the trilogy.

*Severed arm falls on the windscreen of a police car*
Cop (casually): I hate this bloody city.

Haha, had me in stitches.


What about where the coroner is performing an autopsy and Alex who is naked and unconscious from stopping his heart comes back to life and asks, 'Mind if I use your phone?' and the coroner asks 'Is it... is it a-a-a... a local call?'. That's freakin' hilarious.

*beep* people who don't like this movie and give it such a low score. It's not as good as the first 'Scanners', but it sure as hell is leaps and bounds better than the second one.

I just wish they would have used more shotguns like the original, but I guess that was more of a Revok thing rather than a general Scanner trait.

Skipper Clipper Rules!!!


How about "Let's make it with the naked nasty?"
