did anyone else feel that part of what makes this film so inescapably taut and in your face was the use of extreme close-ups throughout?? i remember watching this back when it first came out and being totally blown away by this almost claustrophobia-inducing technique. at that time, it seemed so innovative. of course, i haven't watched it since '92, so i'm not sure if my impressions still hold any weight. could anyone else share their views??


That was back when no one had there teeth fixed either. But their teeth were fairly white even at that. Still it bothers me when their teeth are buck or split or just crooked on the bottom. We have all gotten used to the extreme white veneers of actors. It's so fake but now everyone is doing it.



I like it better when these folks don't have their teeth capped. Why do we want them all to look like that?

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com
