missing plot twist?

I kind of expected that hanging out and learning to rope was going to lead to Dusty saving the day when one of the ropers couldn't carry on.
Sure enough, one of them suffered a broken arm...Dusty to the rescue? no!
I thought that they had set up such a scenario well leading up to the end, then wondered if it ended up on the cutting room floor.


The roper who broke his arm was not a professional actor and lives in Texas, ----Temple, Texas I think. I read about the roper's broken arm in an article about the movie.

The broken arm occurred during filming and was not part of the story and was thus NOT explained during the movie.

Shia LeBeouf broke his hand during filming of Transformers 2 and had to wear a bandage. This also was not part of the story and was not explained except online.



The broken arm WAS a part of the plot and did wind up on the cutting room floor. The scene was shot at a private rodeo arena east of Terrell, Texas. J.W. was riding a bull and was bucked off.. his arm got caught in the rope and he could not get loose...and it WAS George to the rescue.. he jumped over 6 -8 foot fences and sprinted out into the middle of the arena to get him free. The result was the broken arm. Tim also rode a bull in the rodeo.. it was great to watch them film this.. it was a mechanical bull with a camera strapped to its head and then some guy running around with a can blowing dust everywhere. I was an extra in the movie and was sitting in the stands right next to Rory Calhoun and Isabel Glasser.
Poor George, had to shoot that scene of him and the fence about 10 times... climbing, sprinting...climbing and sprinting... he was beat when it was all over!
