PN4-at first i thought....... first i thought this was going to be a ENTIRELY total 1957 period piece "SAME EVERYTHING" Hamilton high prom setting full length feature (As most of HELLO MARY-LOU:PROM NIGHT2)-but with only the exception of New POV's(point of views)perspectives with the new characters(such as the "teen couple car victim" &/or as the brief "LOUISE" character- etc) And yet -Utilization of the same exact/ real"movie storyline"time approach!!.......HOW COOL & refreshing would that have been -especially for a produced '89/'90 film!?.......however i assume it was NEVER the srenwriters/Producers original intent/nor ideal(s)!?!? 0_o !?!? maybe if so & proposed-it would of been only comprehended /well received/beneficial 2 true "MARY LOU:PN2" fans or those who least would've seen either or (pn2).......also maybe it would have been too much for producers or distribution to sell this potential conceived concept!?!? ,,,,,,,who really know's-.!!PS*~,,,,,,,quick side note was "LOUISE" suppose to be MARYLOU or just a refrence ,Homage or just random new simular character??
.......Ither way eye REALLY enjoyed this FINAL installment in the series(i dont count the remake!!)
"HOW VERY!!!!!!!"
