MovieChat Forums > Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil Discussion > Review totally missed the boat on this m...

Review totally missed the boat on this movie

Canadian movie website reviewed this movie and while I agree with a lot of the points they make about the quality of the movie, they totally gloss over the fact that Father Jonas was under demonic possession and that is main reason for his murders. The review seeks to paint his sexual abuse at the hands of a priest for his rage. The movie only includes this as a small part. In fact the review makes no mention of how Father Jonas hasn't aged in 40 years. If you hadn't seen the movie you would be very surprised.

This review was kind of lazy and the writer must not like catholics very much. He claims the church is as much to blame as father Jonas for the killings, a point that is laughable to anyone who has seen the movie.

Read for yourself.

All things Jofer Channel on youtube.


He was possessed? 
I thought he was just deranged

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


Yes, In fact when the caretaker is showing Father Jonas to the new guy, he says "The Devil has taken Father Jonas" Thats why he didnt age and was murdering people.

All things Jofer Channel on youtube.
