Quality cable movie

I found this on VHS for 99 cents in the clearance bin of a video store, and it was money well spent. Sissy Spacek and Aidan Quinn give terrific performances, and the film convincingly captures the family's turmoil on the touchy subject of abortion. The script occasionally feels a bit soap operatic, but the quality performances and direction redeem it. 7/10 stars from me.


I don't normally watch TV movies - but I made an exception for this one because of Spacek and Quinn, and I wasn't disappointed! I agree with your rating, and your assessment. 

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Hello, Howlin Wolf: Glad you enjoyed it, and glad you agree! TV movies can be a mixed bag, but the appeal of many of them grows with age. I didn't see this when it first aired, but I suspect that's the case here.


I'm already 25 minutes into the movie and my heart breaks for Sherri. The poor woman!


It's on youtube. I'm watching it now. I wonder why they got divorced after having six kids. Then she married a doctor who was second to the primary doctor (if she had had the abortion). I find this very interesting.
