The Power Of One

The Power of One was one of the most moving films I have ever seen out of many thousands. Why did it not do better in the USA or elsewhere? Perhaps the human race has become hardened with all the tragedies we see daily.
It was well directed and edited. The acting was excellent.


Responding to your question years after it was posed...

I read the book and really enjoyed it as I was reading it...I was so excited when I was walking down the street one day and noticed an advanced screening of the film was starting in 10 minutes when I had never even heard that it was being made into film! I dragged my boyfriend into the theater even though he had never even heard of the book, assuring him that he would LOVE it as much as I did. When we exited the theater after watching it, I couldn't really put my finger on why I felt so disappointed. It wasn't terrible, but it just didn't capture the emotion of the book much at all. I never felt for the character, and the plot seemed to move too quickly over his childhood struggles so it just wasn't all that meaningful when he finally overcame them.

Later I was reflecting on the overall plot and it struck me that part of what bothered me was the fact that it ended up being yet another story where a white man comes in and leads all those poor lost black souls to a better life. yes it spoke out against apartheid...but in the end it was another white guy who united all the black people of the various tribes. That just didn't sit well with me.
