Clyde Parker (the bully)

What do you think about 'im, I think he didn't deserve to be killed. I also think he was kind a funny...^^



That kid needed a swift kick to the pants.
He was cooler in Honey I Shrunk the Kids

Will you people stop sending me personal messages telling me you are praying for me?



Clyde was my hero. He rode around town on his stripped down 1993 suzuki RM80 motocross bike just lookin for trouble.


Kalincata, I'll tell you who doesn't deserve to be killed here, it's you. Ever heard of typing "SPOILER" before you post some major $hit like that? I'm watching the movie right now and you just spoiled that the bully kid is gonna die. Now is there one thing that makes me furious it's fu[king spoilers! I swear when someone just mindlessly blurts out major spoilers in a iflm or book, I could seriously kill somebody.


This movie came out in 92. I doubt anyone will come here and read about the movie before seeing it since it's so late back.

EVEN SO, if they did before seeing it, which is unlikely, the topic is a character question, so why would they see it?

Please, just STFU.

A critic is a legless man who teaches running.


Clyde is a great stereotypical bully... and if you hadn't seen this movie by the year 2000 you're a-ssed out on spoilers! Plus you have to be pretty stupid to think that he wasn't going to die. I mean, hello have you SEEN a horror movie before??

"Time and unforeseen occurance befall us all..."



This movie is 15 years old. There is no such thing as 'spoilers' for a movie this old. Spoilers refer to new movies.

BTW, this movie kicked ass. Add the Ramones to the soundtrack put a smile on my face. =)

Bush'ite - Subhumanoid who voted for Bush, not once, but twice.


I was so glad to see Gus (Clancy Brown) kill that evil kid, he really deserved it!


the stuff he said about his mom was just plain awful. Like the halloween thing where they had the doll swing down through the cemetary, he should have gotten killed just for that. That went beyond bullying, that kid needed serious help, in the shape of a wheel TO THE FACE.


Oh man did that kill make me laugh. Haha "oops!"

My, my, here come the Fuzz.


Oh man did that kill make me laugh. Haha "oops!"

yeah that was funny, Gus was funny as a zombie. :D


Ever heard of seeing whole movie before reading IMDB boards?



"I was so glad to see Gus (Clancy Brown) kill that evil kid, he really deserved it!"
DITTO! He was a prick!


Clyde deserved it, he was a mean-spirited, bullying punk, and he got exactly what he deserved.


Clyde already had serious issues from the start, even his friends were clearly taken aback by his disturbing behavior. He went beyond the norm convention of bullies (the healthy kind that usually just make fun of you or give you a shove; that's about it) by doing more criminal acts like running you off a steep asphalt and trying to shove your face into a wheel's spinning spoke that are more criminal than bullying.



I liked him.he didn't deserve to die like that.he was only a kid.

"I think I smell mice!"


Meh so so. He didn't deserve it, but he should have known better than to back talk gus like that. He knew Gus was an old school no nonsense hard ass.

Work hard. Play Harder!


Clyde was a tool...nothing cool about his textbook-bully antics/look.

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries
