MovieChat Forums > Pet Sematary II (1992) Discussion > Animals Hurt in this Movie?

Animals Hurt in this Movie?

Ok so I'm sure this has been asked before so sorry but I was just curious. I mean surely they didn't really shoot that dog in real life or on the set? And surely they did not skin those rabbits and show them being skinned like they were in the movie? I would think they would have just used props or something?


If they did, they would have been sued and the movie would not be shown. It is illegal to show the harming or killing of animals in a motion picture since the mid 70's.


A buffalo got killed in Apocalypse now, and that came out in 1979. I think those rabbits may have been real, they looked pretty convincing. the dead dog was an obviously prop. It only a few rabbits anyway. KFC kill 3 million chickens every day and no one is moaning about that as long as he doesn't film it.



As far as Apocalypse Now is concerned, I believe that was allowed to happen because it was primarily filmed in the Philippines, and they did not regulate those kinds of things at the time (no idea what laws are like now).


You guys should join my organisation! It's called PETA. People Eat Tasty Animals.


It's all movie magic.


I'm guessing the "dead" dog wasnt even real. I'd put money on it being robotic.

"Your son is a murderer"--Conan O'Brien--6/11/09 Tonight Show


Yes they were quite real the way they look and move. Also if you skin an animal live, it wouldn't die for quite a while.


no they killed some animals in the movie big deal


Wow you guys are so heartless... I can't believe you have no problem with innocent animals getting killed for entertainment


lol stupid.

reply to back that statement up with some real info BIG guy??


shut up. who gets on imdb to ask a bunch of randoms if animals were hurt in it... You kidding me.


Of course they didn't kill any animals!
first of all it's illegal and second of all I'm pretty sure the directors and prop department aren't complete heartless as$holes.
I can't believe this is even a question that people ask, if you watch the credits of any movie/tv show/etc that shows any kind of 'mistreatment' towards animals there will more than likly be a disclaimer that says 'No animals were harmed during the making of this film.'
It was done with props and editing tricks. No one is going to kill a dog simply for the sake of a movie, the humane society/cops/movie goers would be up their as$es.
Do you really think that people would go see movies if they knew that an innocent animal had to die for the sake of a fictional reason?
Honestly I don't mean to come off sounding rude or anything, but my mind is boggled by how stupid people can be, that with all this information at our fingertips someone doesn't have the common sense to realize that NO a real dog was not shot for the sake of a movie. That's like asking if the actors that played Gus,Clyde and Renee really died because their movie counterpart did.


Only Michael Haneke and dumb directors do that !

Last Movies: - Star Trek Into Darkness: 4/5
- Pain & Gain: 3,5/5
- Oblivion: 4/5


I think its actually quite hypocritical that we find it's perfectly fine for millions and millions of pigs, cows, chickens, rabits, horses and other animals being brutally tortured and killed every day for meat, clothes, skin and so on, and somehow we find it cruel and even illegal if one rabbit is killed for a movie.

I'm not saying that killing for entertainment is fine, not at all, but don't act all innocent and emphatic, if you support slaughterhouses at the same time.

... sory for bad english, not my first language


I think its actually quite hypocritical that we find it's perfectly fine for millions and millions of pigs, cows, chickens, rabits, horses and other animals being brutally tortured and killed every day for meat, clothes, skin and so on, and somehow we find it cruel and even illegal if one rabbit is killed for a movie.

I'm not saying that killing for entertainment is fine, not at all, but don't act all innocent and emphatic, if you support slaughterhouses at the same time.

... sory for bad english, not my first language


Do you think that they actually have the time to torture millions of animals every day? It's not good practice, they tend to kill them quickly to save time.
