Why does Chase...

In the scene where the other vet tells Chase over the phone that he sent him blood from a dead animal you can see that Chase is eating a dog biscuit. WTF
is all I can say....


Yeah, I saw that. I can think of other movies and shows where characters eat dog biscuits. Bill from "Greatest American Hero" eats them regularly. Two characters in "Showgirls" talk about enjoying them. Riggs on "Lethal Weapon" eats them, too. I don't know why that's supposed to be funny. It just looks gross to me.

I'm just expressing my opinion.

You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.


ROFLMAO I'm glad I'm not the only other person who noticed this. :-)

Btw, there are biscuits that are made from human grade ingredients and are completely safe to eat. Three Dog Bakery, for example, makes cookies for dogs that can be eaten by people as well.

..maybe the biscuits Chase has at the desk are quality ones made from good ingredients so he can eat them (and he won't get sick).


My dad had a friend who owned a farm store (sold farm equipment and other things) whey my dad's friend's children were teething he would let them roam the store and grab the dog biscuits to chew on.

Earn easy money!


Most of the ingredients in dog biscuits is pretty much what we find in cookies for humans.The only ingredient that seems to be different is molasses that they make for the doggies
