Newsies Reunion

Hey everyone! Just wanted to update the board about the cast reunion that just happened in June! After about 20 years, the cast has been reunited to watch the film together and they also had a web chat with the fans! Even Kenny Ortega himself showed up! Here's the web site with photos from the event!

The Newsies Reunion Web Site

Follow Newsies Reunion on Twitter

More exciting news under way for next year! There will possibly be a 20th anniversary rally / screening in 2012! Please look out for updates on the Newsies Reunion twitter account! Thanks all!


Wow, this is awesome! Thanks for info. It's amazing that the Newsies spirit and love is very much alive. Who would have thought that after nearly 20 years, they'd be having reunions and--cross my fingers--rallys!?


Thanks penguin for these pics and updates, wonder why Ivan Dudynsky didn't show up, I know he's a busy director and all, would have been cool if he was around to hang with the cast. OMG 20 years!
