Failed oscar bait

This movie from the get go was designed to stroke the ego of Billy Crystal. The entire film was designed and set up as oscar bait. It was so obviously aimed at the academy, I'm surprised it didn't end with "For your consideration." Even the cover of the movie he directed and starred in had the quote: "Billy crystal is a comic genius."
Give me a break, I'm glad it was overlooked by everyone.


For once U R right. Celebrate!

Let it be unsaid: insignificance is the locus of true increpation.


Well David Paymer got a nom, unfortunately for Billy Crystal.

Its that man again!!


I agree wholeheartedly, especially the scene at his mother's hospital bed. You could tell that Billy thought he was going to get great reviews for his dramatic acting.


@selthe I can totally see it as Oscar bait because the academy loves movies about show business e.g. Argo, The Artist. Some great acting, but the movie was just too flawed to get any real Oscar love. And the aged-makeup was atrocious.
