Amazed, Anyone Else?

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I'm amazed that no one so far has a quuestion or comment on this film. I think I'll be the one to break the mould. This is an amazing film, funny, sad, moving, real and highly enjoyable. Whose with me?


A Truly amazing film. It really had me laughing; then it had me crying. A true classic that highlights Billy Crystal's great talent. Mr. Saturday Night is one of my favorite films of all time. Long live Buddy Young Jr.


Anyone know where I can get quotes from this movie?
So many good lines.


This may be a stretch, but this film's pathos reminds me of another fictional comic's biography: The Comic starring Dick Van Dyke as Billy Bright. Seldom seen today and largely forgotten, a very sad and touching tale of a comedian's roller coast life.


I was flipping around the TV on Sunday afternoon and found this movie on a local channel. I didn't expect much out of it, but after five minutes, I was hooked. I thought the film was a bit uneven, the performances really knocked me out. Billy Crystal is great, but David Paymer steals the show. Whenever he wasn't on screen, I kept wondering when he would come back on. Just a glance from his Stan, and you knew his whole life story.

BTW...I never did catch the ending, because my stupid local station thought a commercial for "The Amazing Race" was more important. They cut away just as Buddy is handing a check to his daughter on her doorstep. What happens next?



[spoiler warning]
She sees that it's for $13 000, which will really help her with her financial troubles. Buddy talks for a while about how much her grandmother loved her no matter what, making the viewer suspicious that grandmother really had nothing to do with the gift at all, especially as the cheque is made out to Buddy. Then he hugs his daughter and goes, leaving the impression that things will be better between them in the future. Next we see Buddy performing at what is apparently a senior's home. Stan walks into the back of the room in the middle of his act. He goes to see Buddy in his dressing room after the show and gives him a painting that he made. It is a gift for Buddy. Buddy looks at it and tells him that it's good. Then he and Stan begin to talk about his act, they way they used to talk when they were younger. You can tell they are on the brink of a tender moment, that they are actually making up, but under the guise of comedy, as Buddy has difficulty expressing his feelings. They continue to talk about the act as Elaine comes in, and the camera pans over to the painting propped against the wall. It is a picture of Buddy and Stan, performing their comedy act for their family they way they used to when they were teenagers.



I think this was a tour de force for Crystal and Paymer and I never could figure why it wasn't a big hit. Maybe audiences of the time weren't ready to accept Crystal in a serious mode. For me the only drawback is the aging makeup: characters supposedly in their 60's look mummified. But that's minor.


I think this was a great movie. Vastly underappreciated.

Short Cut, Draw Blood


I bought a copy years ago and watch it now and then. It is definitely up there in my list of favorite movies. It so deserved to be a hit. Shame it didn't find its audience during release.


So they cut off the last half hour of the movie!! Mental!

