If you liked this...

... check out IDIOCRACY (2006) a minor gem by the creator of BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD and KING OF THE HILL. It was dumped unheralded on the American market and, perhaps not surprisingly given the big dumb corporate hand it bites so amusingly, hardly marketed. A very average army sergeant and a whore awake from suspended animation in an America 500 years hence - a run down land full of retards, dumbasses and morons. Costco and Starbucks etc run the economy, people speak hillbilly-jive, junk food rubbish fills the landscape, the Violence Channel, Masturbation Channel and Fox News are amongst the principal viewing, while the president is a black WWF fighter. Relatively low budget, but some great scenes are to be found along the way, and to this UK viewer it seemed quite daring and subversive, at least in a political sense that's rare from Hollywood. I thought the film succeeded, in its own satiric terms, in creating a thorough going future society on screen all done with relatively low bucks. Harder than it seems, and a litmus test of the genre in which some big budgeted, serious titles fail IMHO. Some good B grade matte work and I'd watch it again just for the incidental detail. Not top drawer SF to be sure, but I haven't seen a better example of sustained humour in the genre for a while. From what I've read some people think this film is a dumb as the people it portrays, but it certainly gave me a good few chuckles along the way. It certainly reminded me of parts of MOM AND DAD SAVE THE WORLD in tone and manner (think of the 'stupid bomb' scene), but the more grown up, anti-consumerist dystopian tone is all its own.

"It's too short!
We need more monkeys! "


great movie as well :)

oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


The male lead was a private, actually.

It was amusing, but nothing new. Written sci fi has been playing around with the notion of future societies of idiots since H.G. Wells wrote <i>The Time Machine</i> (avoid the George Pal movie if you're looking for this theme, they edit out as too politically dangerous). Adding in the ideo of the idiots surviving on the leftover technology of their smarter ancestors isn't new either. I think a prequel to "The Marching Morons" touched on that in the late 50s or early 60s.


I liked Mom and Dad Save the World, but couldn't stand Idiocracy...

When you are arguing with a fool, make sure he isn't doing the same thing.
