MovieChat Forums > Mom and Dad Save the World (1992) Discussion > One of the best genuine stupid movies

One of the best genuine stupid movies

This movie is so stupid and ridiculas that I love it. It doesn't have that cheap movie look to it. It looks like the makers actually spent some money and put some effort into it. I challenge anyone who says they have a sense of humor to hate this movie. Jon Lovitz is great.

Gotta find it on DVD.

"Today's a good day to die" ~Keifer FLATLINERS


OMG I just watched it tonight on HBO family (even tho I saw it as a young kid). Growing up I loved this movie! It was stupid funny: but it rocked! hehe. I even love it now! I agree wit you all the way!



I totaly forgot about this movie, I remember it when I was younger, I distinctly remember the mushroom that looked so cute and then turned out to be a monster. I had to watch the first 15 minutes of this to remember what movie it was. I agree with most of these replys though, it was incredibly stupid, but thats what made it entertaining.


I remember seeing this movie with my family and each of us hating it. I recall it as the worst movie I have ever seen. Though I'd like to see it now, 12 years later, simply for a good nostalgic laugh. maybe i'll find it occupying some cobwebbed space at the rental store.


Saw it in the theater when I was 10... Knew it was stupid but liked it. Want to see it again. Laughing times at things. English good yes?



Oh , i remember this one ! Havent seen it since '95 but i rember it being really funny.Im not sure what i would think of it now though.....



I love this movie! I always have, ever since the first time I ever saw it. If anyone watches this expecting some type of serious action sci/fi flick, sure they'll not like it. But if you can appreciate it for the fun and silly flick that it is, just relax, sit back and enjoy the ride. To date this movie remains one of my favorites!


Hah! I just got done watching this on HBO. Yeah it's pretty cheesy but very colorful, humorous, and has a pretty good cast (Jon Lovitz, Teri Garr, Jeffrey Jones, Kathy Ireland (!), and Wallace Shawn among a few others.

It's something like STAY TUNED (Jones appears in that one also, only he's the chief bad guy), only it has nothing to do with tv!!!

Teri Garr still looks beautiful in this one :)
And I don't even need to explain Kathy Ireland..

This is my signature, nice eh?


OMG I'm glad I'm not the only one. I went to see this on a lark when it came out, and was kind of ambivalent about it. But now, every time it's on HBO, I can't help but watch it (it's on even as I write this). I'm a die-hard Jon Lovitz fan, and he out-Lovitzes himself in this movie. I also love Teri Garr, and her comedic timing is at its peak (almost - it never got better than Tootsie). And don't get me started on the production design.


hahaha i'm so glad people like this movie! I thought I was the only one. I also love Jon Lovitz...and this is probably the movie that did it for me. haha "In Tod We Trust". You can't get any better than that! And Eric Idle as that bird guy? ohhh it's fantastic. Fantastically stupid. I love it. I remember watching this in theatres when I was really little, and being really scared by the mushroom monster thing, haha.

Is this on DVD yet? I need to get it!


I stopped by the local Walmart and was able to find this movie in the new shipment of 5.00 and under flicks. The DVD has no special additions but still makes a great addition to any eccliectic collection.


Ha, it's on right now! Todd Spengo! That sure sounds like the ruler of a planet. Jeffrey Jones really spreads his comedic wings in this timeless gem. Then you got the kid from Terminator 2 and Salute your Shorts. Whatever happened to him? Oh, and the drunken brother on Blossom. Wasn't he the daughter's boyfriend? Why would they have let him stay with their teen daughter when she went on the trip? Now I'm rambling.


The fantastic stupid space trilogy as follows:

Mom and Dad Save the World
Galaxy Quest

glorious. I love this move.


Galaxy Quest is lightyears ahead (pun intended!) of those other two, in my opinion.

I never did one thing right in my life, you know that? Not one. That takes skill.


I saw this movie long time ago, but remember it well. I loved it! Next to the funny Jeffrey Jones and Jon Lovitz, the story was great too. I have to find this one on DVD (I live in the Netherlands, so I have to search hard to get!!)


Long Live Spengo! I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves to watch this movie. I found it in the bargin movie bin at Walmart and couldn't believe it. It was like finding a Mounds Bar in a barrel of pickles! Jon Lovitz is so funny in this movie and the killer mushrooms...I have to laugh everytime I see it!


Definitely a must have. A really stupid, really funny movie.

*Danny's not here Mrs. Torrance*


I always watch this when it's on HBO - it's so bad that it's great. Tod, Tod, Tod, Tod...Oh, Marge, Oh, Marge, my love for you is laaaaarge! "C'mon fellas, dance with me!" (I'm doing the dance right now as I type! Ha ha ha!)

"I dwell in darkness without you" and it went away?


I absolutely adore this movie.. it is VERY underrated and hilarious!


I've been toying with making a fansite for this movie for years. I even started writing a fansequel, lol. I'll probably never finish it.

I'm glad to see other people like this movie. I tend to like "stupid" movies that nobody else enjoys. ;)

I even have the soundtrack. There's a short track on it with the "Tod Tod Tod," chant on it. It's great.



I discovered this film a few years back at the local video store, and it seemed amusing enough, so I rented it. My spouse and I weren't expecting much, but it turned out that we absolutely loved it, maybe because we are middle aged and could identify with the heroes! At any rate, it has become our favorite stupid comedy--from the killer mushrooms to the Dr. Seuss-type production design, to the dogs playing poker scene, to the planet of idiots where Dick Nelson could be the smartest one there, and even the joke on the Trojan horse. We often watch it weh we want a mindless laugh, and can quote lines from heart. We have it on VHS and DVD, of course.

"Today Marge Nelson becomes Marge Spengo, and all across the planet, our hearts will do the tango!"


I agree. This film was indeed quite dumb and absurd, but still very funny and enjoyable.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"
