any news updates on mo money 2? as far as i know they were thinking about using the title "Mo' Money II: Less Money" or "Mo' Money II: $200"??? it's not in production according to imdb. last i heared daymon wayan asked for mo' money and got mo' rejected. mo' money, mo' money, mo' money! it's sort of sad that mo' money prevented mo' production of "mo' money II: $200". and that's why mo' money is my favorite movie.


actually i heared that the script was misplaced so the movie was never filmed on location.


i can confirm this, i heared that it was misplaced in the trash, but was later found by garbage men. they decided to film it, but never did, because they are garbage men. i was told this tale by my garbage man. i think that garbage men shouldn't be allowed to direct movies due to their lack of expertise in the area of film. the only exception to this law is McG, who has made countless epics not to be counted by many or few.



Yeah, you're hilarious, buddy. Whatever.



genius, pure genius. Maybe I'll reply to my own message to.


I can confirm this, pure genius.
