Stupid people

The victims of this kid in this movie that he kills are so brainless its unreal. The guy in the hottub deserved to die considering how stupid he was. All he had to do was get out of the hottub knowing the kid would kick the radio in. The mother was worse. She knew he was going to drop that hair dryer in the tub why the heck didnt she get out of the tub. Why the heck would you let your little toddler roam around outside playing on the edge of a diving board. She would have probably fell in anyway without mikey even around. This kid had everyone fooled throughout this movie. The principal, and the psychologist were so fooled in this movie and even the police were so fooled also believing the kid when he told them a man broke into the house and killed his family. How would you explain your sister in the pool or the mother in the bathtub. What do you guys think?


I think you're forgetting a crucial little detail. It's a movie, it's Hollywood. Of course if they want to in a movie they can find people to play brainless people getting killed by a kid.
