Special Edition DVD

I read somewhere that the DVD was suppose to include a commentary by John Carpenter, but was later dropped.

This movie though dated at some spots can still compete with todays modern humor/sci fi films. Granted the special effects aren't near as good as say Hollow Man, but the story, acting, and effects are still pretty good.

Sam Neil pretty much steals every scene that he is in, but kudos to Chevy Chase for playing Nick Howell with enough depth to carry the movie. Personally I like Chevy Chase and it was good to see him in something different than comedy, but the early 90s was the start of his decline. I feel that Will Ferrel is a modern day Chase and will probably suffer the same fate.

Daryl Hannah is good for what her part calls for, but shes a better supporting character than leading lady. She pretty much disappeared after Grumpier Old Men until Kill Bill came about.

But I think the biggest surprise it not infront but behind the camera and that goes to John Carpenter. You say his name and everyone yells HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEN!, but there is so many other films hes made that are just as good (The THING). You put him with Kurt Russell and you have a pretty good DVD commentary or cult classic. So its surprising the the low budget director would take such a high profile movie for the time. Carpenter proves what he can do with a Hollywood picture as opposed to his typical Armageddon horror movies.

That maybe the biggest problem that critics had was the he directed it, but instead of being violent its actually pretty heartfelt and fun most of the time. It seems everyone that starred in this film has kinda died down, but Carpenter should of done another film like this. Instead he kept making horror films, but that genre is about as fickle as the stock market.
