Worth Buying?

Saw it at Best Buy wondering if it's worth the $11.99, I've read some bad comments and some good one's about the movie.


I thought it was a good movie but you have to make your own judgement on that because if you go off of what people say then you may miss out on a movie that you love. Where as I have done it before in the past where I have wasted money on a movie that I thought that I would like and it turns out that I did not care for the movie at all and wasted money on it.

I would say possibly what you should do first is go to your local video store or try Netflix if you are a member of renting videos through the mail or Blockbuster and renting this out first to watch.

I have done this before buying any movies and if I liked it then I would buy a copy of it. That is why it is a shame that USA UP ALL NIGHT is still not on to this day because this was shown on there and that is how I watched it was seeing it on the USA Network back in the mid to late 90's. I ended up renting this movie at Hollywood Video.

I did not think it was all that bad of a movie but I mainly liked it because of the hot women in the movie though.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! http://deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


In a word, NO. If you just wanna see hot chick's boobs get a soft-core porn movie.


meh.. definitely NOT worth 12 bucks.. but it is a FUN camp movie.. and.. is better to be than Meatballs 3 and even 2.. which felt like a real mess.. Meatballs 4 felt even without any REAL connection to the first.. felt more like a film in the tradition.. although it does aim for a slightly older crowd.. no KIDS in this one that I recall..

Its nothing special.. but I know personally I've seen it more than once.. and.. its one of those movies.. that IF you flip by on cable late at night.. its a fun goofy watch..


You can now buy it cheap on amazon. I really liked it. Chritsy Thom shows her tits and there are some really funny moments. It's worth $5.00.


I snagged my copy for a mere three dollars at a local grocery store in Central New Jersey. Needless to say, that was three dollars well wasted ... err, I mean spent.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


I recorded this off Encore onto DVD five or six years ago and after watching that copy tonight I can say that I'm happy I never put further effort into obtaining this movie. Good movie, glad I own it, but won't ever bother buying a legit copy.



it has some of the best nudity of all time. yea go and buy it.


The only MEATBALLS movie you should spend $12.00 on is the 1st movie and that's it
