MovieChat Forums > El mariachi (1993) Discussion > what's the cheapest movie ever made?

what's the cheapest movie ever made?

As far as I know, no one has cracked the $7,000 feature. Even HD movies like Bubble somehow cost more (1.6mill). Anyone heard of a cheaper movie than El Mariachi?


Possably John Waters First feature MONDO TRASHO which cost about $2000.



Table 5 was shot on 35mm for about £500. Haven't seen it though so I don't know if it's any good!


I guess we are talking about fictional features and not Documentaries (I believe "Supersize me" and "My date with Drew" - both shot on Mini-DV were cheaper than "El Mariachi") - but what about this one? - I warn anyone about seeing this God-awful film, but it must have been cheaper than El-Mariachi...



I believe it is Christopher Nolan's critically acclaimed "Following" which had a budget of $6000, and shot in UK (which is expensive).

"If I were a dog and you were a flower, I'd lift up my leg and give you a shower"


A guy at my school made a movie for $3000. He used film students as actors and set it in town so he could film it at locations around and not have sets, but it's a 92 minute full length drama.


Really? What school is this? Has he had any luck with distributing his film?



I shot my first feature (which is not listed on imdb, but can be found here: for $600. I shot it DV, using a camera I already owned, and tape I already had. I shot six and half hours of footage in 11 days, in the middle of the woods. Editing was done on my Gateway laptop when I had free time at work. All the money I spent, I spent on props. All that's left is to get a distributor.




The trick isn't to make a film under $7000 the trick is to make one that is successful.
Beg, Borrow, steal refuse to pay for anything and make creative solutions for everything and you can make a feature for almost nothing.


I think one of the biggest facts getting lost in this discussion and overlooked in the overall story of "Mariachi" is that while Rodriguez only spent $7,000 to make the movie, Columbia had to paid quite a larger overall amount to clean it up and make it presentable as a legit feature. The end product you're watching isn't a $7,000 feature.
Click here to read my scripts!


How about 70 bucks.'s just a movie.


I've been doing my own feature that's got no budget whatsoever, I know there are plenty of films out there the same.

As a "legitimate" feature, I think there have been a number of them made lower than Mariachi, but certainly not as impressive in my opinion.


Let's not forget "Clerks". Cost more than El Mariachi (27,000) but that's next to nothing as compared to studio made movies. And it was a huge success as well...


What about The Woodchipper Massacre? That movie had a budget of 400 bucks and 300 of it was for renting the woodchipper.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


Adam Cooley ( has made 5 full length feature films -- that have played in theaters, won awards, and been released on DVD -- for $0 a piece. Even the camera filmed on was borrowed until the latest movie, where he actually bought one -- a $24 JAZZ DV151 camera! for more info.

The funny thing is, his movies have more action and REAL special effects than many "big" films -- he just happens to be a master at clever editing.

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.
