this movie was okay and all but some of these scenes were uncalled for. Like the slowly moving camera towards the obese womens vag when she is on the crapper. WTFFFF. And this happened more than once!!! It all seemed very unnecessary


Of all the disturbing things in this movie, that was the scene that bothered you?


yes thats why i made the post *beep*


I think the shot was simply the point of view of the baby. I don't think there is too much there to analyse.


I think that the whole point of that scene was taking you where you did not want to go.


slowly moving camera towards the obese womens vag when she is on the crapper. WTFFFF.

I'm glad SOMEONE said it. I could handle the guy jerking off on a load of tomatoes, I could handle the kids pissing (for no apparent reason) off the balcony, I even smirked at the kids lining up to take sh!ts. But fat womens' cookies is where I draw the gross-out line. I shut off the movie. Was planning to finish it tonight, but if you say it doesn't get any better, then I'll pass.


Strange things happen in the community. What did you expect? This is not an american mainstream movie... Things you see here probably could and will happen somewhere out of America. (if not within as well)

What is so bad on kids pissing off the balcony? Would it have been better to spit? I did both as a kid. And it was fun, I'm telling you...!


I've pissed in some strange places too (it was fun I admit). But my point is that this isn't the kind of stuff that should be fodder for artistic cinema. This movie *is* artistic, there's no denying that. So why does it sink to "American Pie 2" antics? It's as if Da Vinci painted Mona Lisa while she's taking a dump. I wouldn't give it 2 cents.


@rooprect: Well Leolo is from 1992, American Pie 2 from 2001, so no relation in that. I think while AP2 show's the so called normal today life of some teens (twens) in the US, Leolo shows some real life of the poor a few decades before, that try to find their own way by teaching their children, that "to *beep* is healthy". So, this all may seem senseless to higher educated people, but probably means to separate from the others, which means everything there.

I think, you should not compare movies like Leolo with US commercial junk as AP1,2,3...


ok guys, this is going too far now.
im from "outside America" as you may say, from quebec actually, and i can tell you that the things you see in that movie don't represent normal life for lower class quebec people.
we don't teach our kids that *beep* is healthy. this film is just about strange people inhabiting a strange universe, from wich a little boy tries to escape using his imagination.
there are for sure a few symbols that could only be understood by those who are familiar with quebec history and culture, as the will of the older brother to beat up the english boy, and the miserability of the working class father. these are things that léolo observes and can not accept or even understand.
but i think this film touches universal subjects such as the necessity of dreaming in order to overcome the greyness of urban life.


That's what disturbed you most about this movie, and NOT the scene with the cat?

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