the sikh man

any ideas what all that was really about? ive seen this twice now - gfirst time 2 years ago and last night and it has bugged me for ages. haven't read the book but it is obviously meant to represent something - i dont think its indian mystysism or anything like that because he dismisses it himself and is quite down to earth. does he represent some level of calm comfort to nigel and his wife? i have no idea? any one else got a suggestion?


seems like just a dramatic device. everytime he appears (or speaks) it is to indicate to Nigel/wife that things are not what they seem ("India is not a tranquil place", or his appearance in corridor while Mimi is "seducing" Nigel).

Ironic that at the end, when the "smoke has cleared" and there is no more deception, it is the Sikh's daughter (and not himself) that wishes Nigel/wife a happy new year.



He's the voice of reason, balance in life and the symbol of traditional family values. We might say, he is the spiritual guru.

He says:" Children are the joy of life" while we know that Nigel and Fiona's marriage is on the crossroad and one of the reasons is Nigel not wanting to start a family. At the end, the couple is getting closer to each other again after the shock Sikh's daughter, like an emissary, to bring harmony in Nigel and Fiona's marriage. The New Year wish is a message, a chance for them to make a new start, a family.

This is my interpretation of this character.


Towards the end there is a moment when his daughter wishes Fiona a happy new year and runs to her father who keeps her under his dark umbrella. I thought this was showing how a troubled family (his wife died) can hold together almost as a normal one as opposed to both nigel's/fiona's marriage that was falling apart and oscar/mimi relationship that was anything but normal

