MovieChat Forums > Bitter Moon (1994) Discussion > Bitter Moon.: The Movie. - The Book.

Bitter Moon.: The Movie. - The Book.

Bitter Moon is one of the best movies I have ever seen, so I read the book too, I prefer the movie because the ending is better.

So my question is: Am I the only one who saw the movie first, and then tried to read the book just to find it a little confusing that they dont have the same names in the book as they do in the movie (it's annoying)??.

And what do you prefer - movie or book ??.


Sorry to ask you, but where did you get a copy of the book since I'm dying to read it. And also was the book translated into English?


My copy of the book was a birthdaypresent, but I would guess it was ordered home from a bookstore (a real one, not an internet one), my copy of it is in danish, but I would think that if it was translated into danish then it must exist in an english version too, and if you ever get it somewhere then be prepared, because it's really annoying that they dont have the same names in the book as they do in the movie.


Interesting. How is the book's ending different?

I don't want some renegade necrophile princess as MY roommate!


I think you should read the book instead of having me telling you how it ends, but in the book no one dies (but someone is very close to), and someone goes to jail (and it's not the person who should), I think that's all I'm going to say about the ending, you should read it yourself.


I won't spoil it either but I will say that I thought the book's ending was even more bleak than the movie's. It's hard to imagine and it's almost a toss up so take that as you will.

Ultimately I prefer the film but then I have a much longer history with it.

BTW, for those who care and don't know, the title of the English translated version is Evil Angels. And, for the record, the fact that the characters have different names was not a big deal.


the book's available from, and it is not called evil angels (if you search amazon for this title you will the only the story of the australian woman whose baby was taken by a dingo). it goes by the same name as the film, bitter moon, and is authored by pascal bruckner who you will see listed in the film's writing credits. here's the link to get the book:


well, for one, the book was far more graphic then the movie. I get why Polanski didn't do it like in the book though. I mean there are things you simply can't show on film. It's hard enough reading them ... I prefer the book.

ask the spokesperson, I don't have a brain


Is my guess correct?

In the book: nigel is so pissed off because it seems that this sick twisted couple played a game with him, and he never really had a chance with Mimi.

Because he played this game, and failed, his wife "had her go", and she ends up in bed with Mimi (possibly for Oscars' viewing pleasure also, possibly not).

When he sees his wife in bed with Mimi, and hears the description of it all from Oscar, he finds out that that is the end of Oscars' story.

The whole situation depreseses him so much that he becomes suicidal, and throws himself overboard, or almost does.

He is rescued (if he does indeed jump) by his wife who still loves him, or by the Indian man who reassures him about why life is still worth living.

Now I've never read the book, but this is the way I assume it would end. Please please please tell me if I guessed correctly, and if I did not, could you please please please tell me how things do happen. Feel free to be as brief or as verbose as you would like. I am never going to read the book. You will not be spoiling it for me. If you think you might be spoiling it for someone else by posting it here, than PM me.

I really need to know, now... (not so much so that I'll read the book, though.)

Thanks to everyone who's participated so far.


Will someone tell me the *beep* ending already instead of going "read the book"? I DON'T WANT TO READ THE BOOK! I just want to know how the alternative ending goes, that's all. Jesus Christ.

